Info |
<Name Space/Class> |
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This Business Object matches the PC Client -> Inventory Expence Issue application. It allows for stock to be issued from a Tracking ID.
Info |
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<Sample Video> <Technical Specification>None No Specification |
Description<longer description>
This Business Object allows stock to be Issued from a Tracking ID.
Code | WMOVE001 |
Name | TrackingIDIssueToExpense |
Module | WarehouseMovements |
Functional Area | TrackingID |
Name Space/Class | DATASCOPE.SDK.BusinessObjects.WarehouseMovements |
Release Date | 21/10/2021 |
Release Version | 5.0.24 |
Prerequisites | None |
SYSPRO Objects | Transaction.INTMB Transaction.INVTMO |
Name | Description | Mandatory field | Data Type | Default Value |
pTrackingId | WMS Tracking ID to issue from | YES | string |
pStockCode | Stockcode on the Tracking ID to issue | YES | string |
pExpenceAcc | Expene account to issue against in SYSPRO | NO | string | <blank> |
pQuantity | Quantity to issue from the Tracking ID and Stockcode | YES | decimal |
pBin | Bin, should match the Tracking ID Bin | YES | string |
pLotNumber | Lot Number to issue from where applicable if the Stockcode is Lot Traceable | NO | string | <blank> |
pWarehouse | Waerhouse, should match the Warehouse for the Bin above | YES | string |
pComment | Coment to be posted through to Tracking ID History | NO | string | <blank> |
pSYSPROReference | Reference to be posted against the SYSPRO Inventory transaction | NO | string | <blank> |
Technical Specification
Code Block |
<sample code> |