We apologize for the inconvenience. There is no F1 help available for this screen at the moment.
Please refer to the user manual or contact your local DSP (Datascope Solution Provider) for further assistance with the functionality and usage of this screen.
If you believe the absence of F1 help for this screen is an error or have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to contact our support team. They will be glad to assist you in any way they can.
Thank you for your understanding and patience<description>
You can just enter the applicable Pick Slip Number in the Pick Slip Number field or use the lookup icon to locate the applicable Pick Slip Number.
Select Print.
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NonePlease ensure the correct .rpt templates are configured. Click Settings / System Settings on the Ribbon Bar to print the Packing List. Locate the <which system name> System Name, and update the Setting Name <which setting> by adding the correct .rpt template.
Also, please ensure the System Settings point to a physical label printer to print the Label. To view or update this, go to Settings / Printers. The filter icon can locate the <which setting> System Action.
SYSPRO REQUIREMENTS & Business objects used