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The software allows a stock take for only a range of Bins only and not an entire warehouse. This screen is used to control and review the stock take. It works similarly to a full warehouse stock take, except that only the bin range selected is updated.

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This program is used when a stock take is opened for a range of bins only, not the entire warehouse, this screen is used to control and review the stock take. This functions exactly like a full warehouse stock take, except that only the bin range selected is updated. 

This screen is used to 

The screen is typically used to:

  • Select the bin range in SYSPRO and DATASCOPE WMS

  • Start, post, and cancel the SYSPRO and DATASCOPE WMS

  • stock

  • take

  • Monitor the stock count

  • progress

  • Identify areas where a second and third

counts are
  • count is needed.



Starting a stock take

All aspects of opening a new stock count can be completed from within this software program. The Start SYSPRO

stock take

Stock and Start WMS

stock take

Stock Take are used to open a new count.


The count must always be opened in SYSPRO first before the count can be opened in DATASCOPE

  • Click Start SYSPRO stock take first, select the WH and bin range in the SYSPRO options, click Start processing

  • Click Start WMS Stock take, select the SAME bins as selected in SYSPRO

Cancelling a stock take

The two Cancel functions are only used when a stock count


  • Select the Warehouse, from the Warehouse drop-down, in which you want to do the stock take

  • Select the Start SYSPRO Stock Take button. This will take you into SYSPRO Stock Take Selection.


  • Open SYSPRO

  • The Stock Take Selection screen will open

  • Select the warehouse in which you will be doing the counting by selecting the lookup icon

  • Scroll to Bin location and select the bin range.


To view the bins per warehouse, go to DATASCOPE WMS / Main Menu / KPI Dashboard & Reporting / Standard Reports / Information Check [RPT004]

  • Click on Start Processing at the top of the Stock Take Selection screen

  • This action takes a snapshot of the current quantities in the SYSPRO file and the SYSPRO stock take has started. Next, you can Start the WMS Stock take

  • Select the Start WMS Stock Take button.

  • Select the same bin range as selected in SYSPRO within the Bin Selection screen

  • Select Update Stock Take Data

  • Next, the users on the floor will start counting and capturing each Bin and each TrackID logically and sequentially with the scanners - Stock Taking [STK056]

Cancelling a stock take

On the right-hand side of the Stock Take by Bin screen you will find the Cancel SYSPRO Stock and Cancel WMS Stock Take buttons.

  • Select the cancel buttons only when a stock take is being aborted.

  • DATASCOPE WMS stores all data counted even if the stock take is cancelled

. (In
  • , however, in SYSPRO the data is deleted)

Posting to SYSPRO

The Post to SYSPRO functionality can be used as many times as desired during the stock take. This function uploads the latest DATASCOPE WMS count detail into the SYSPRO stock count.

  • The

SYSPRO Variance function is a hyper link to the standard SYSPRO stock take variance report function.

  • Once the entire warehouse has been counted by following the scanner-based stock taking process, the quantities and values can be checked against the SYSPRO quantities.

  • Select the Post to SYSPRO button.

  • This action will post the captured quantities into the SYSPRO stock take tables. A pop-up will appear indicating that the standard SYSPRO Stock Take Variance Report can be reviewed

  • Once the bin range has been counted and you are happy with all the variances in DATASCOPE WMS, you can select Post to SYSPRO for the last time

Confirming the stock take

The Confirm SYSPRO stock count and Confirm WMS stock count are used to finalize the count when all variances have been checked and the stock count is being accepted. Confirming a stock take must always start with SYSPRO first and then DATASCOPE WMS second.

  • Confirm the stock take within SYSPRO.

  • Confirm the stock take within DATASCOPE WMS

A double check can be done to ensure all data has been posted successfully by running and reviewing the Balance Report. To open the report, you must browse in DATASCOPE WMS on the Main Menu to KPI Dashboard & Reporting / Standard Reports / Balance Report. This report must be clean for the selected warehouse and Bin Range.

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  • Two bar graph lines are shown at the top of the screen to give progress through the stock count on this warehouse. One shows progress of bins counted while the other shows progress of Tracking IDs counted compared to totals.

  • Three filters are shown at the bottom of the screen that allow the user to filter by Bin, Track ID or Stock Code. These apply to existing stock (left hand side of the screen) and not the columns labeled Stock take Track ID, Scanned Bin

  • The grid can be sorted and sub totaled to assist the user in identifying bins with variances. A typical sorting would be to sort by SYSPRO variance and then by times counted. Toward the end of the stock count all bins with a variance should be counted at least twice.

  • Files posted to SYSPRO are sent in batches – the batch size can be controlled (System setting below) to improve posting speed

  • Expiry dates for lot traceable items are posted through to SYSPRO unless the warehouse setting to post NULL expiry dates is on
  • tblStocktakeDetailBins

  • tblStocktakeHeader

  • tblPallet

  • tblPalletItem

  • tblPalletAction
    • A right click option exists on the grid with the following functions: 

      • Expand and Collapse is used to drip into a summarized grid of data

      • The Count Details function allows a user to see who performed the counts on this bin and tracking id as well is showing when the count was done. 

      • The Delete Count allows a user to remove the count. This has been adapted in v4.0.32 onward to update the qty to 0 as opposed to deleting the count. The benefit of this is that the SYSPRO qty is then updated to 0 too, as opposed to not being edited at all if no line was posted.

      • The Edit Item Quantity function allows a user to override the actual quantity counted (if the user has the required permissions. This is sometimes used when the stock count controller can see that a count was entered incorrectly – e.g. units counted instead of cartons counted.

      • A Comment function allows a user to enter a comment against any count. This is useful when finalizing the counts

    • The Uncounted Bins tick box is useful when all counting has been completed but the count is still open. This function will list all bins that do not have any count. The list should be exported to MS Excel and these bins should be check to ensure that they are in fact empty

    SYSPRO Requirements & Business objects used

    • Inventory stock take

    DATASCOPE Table updates


    • Files posted to SYSPRO are sent in batches – the batch size can be controlled (System setting below) to improve posting speed

    • Expiry dates for lot traceable items are posted through to SYSPRO unless the warehouse setting to post NULL expiry dates is on

    SYSPRO REQUIREMENTS & Business Objects used

    • None

