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Server administrators can use this guide to evaluate their server hardware requirements.


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Server Architecture

This section details the recommended server configurations and a guideline for the servers' hardware specifications.

In summary, the following information is provided below:




Environmental Considerations

Typically, most SYSPRO installations will consist of a Two- or Three-Tier server configuration. These are described as follows:

Two-Tier Server Configuration (SYSPRO and SQL on the same Server): In this case, SQL and SYSPRO are installed on a single server with the Clients accessing this machine.Three Tier, and the SYSPRO clients access this machine. This type of setup is suitable for organizations with few users and where application performance and security are less of a consideration.

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Three-Tier Server Configuration (Dedicated SYSPRO and SQL Server): In this case, SQL and SYSPRO are installed on independent servers, with the Client SYSPRO client accessing the SYSPRO server.

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This type of setup is suitable for organizations where the performance and security of the application is an important consideration.

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DATASCOPE WMS Supported Environments

DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS supports both Two Tier - and Three-Tier environments aboveServer Configurations.

DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS supports being run on a Virtual Server or Physical Server.


WARNING:  It is NOT advised to install Installing DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS on the SQL/SYSPRO server (Two-Tier Server Configuration) or SYSPRO server (Three-Tier Server Configuration) is NOT advised. It should ALWAYS have a dedicated Server.

DATASCOPE WMS Recommended Environment

The recommendation for a WMS installation is to install the DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS client on an Independent independent Server. This helps keep the systems isolated and assists in port and server version updates, as each server can be independently rebooted and managed.

This means the following machines/virtual machines configurations for a two- OR three-tier SYSPRO server configuration.

SYSPRO Two-Tier Server Configuration (SYSPRO and SQL on the same Server, DATASCOPE WMS on a dedicated Server): SQL and SYSPRO are installed on a single server, DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS are installed on a single server, and the SYSPRO clients access the machine.

Note: This server configuration is not recommended for a live production environment.

CLIENT(1) + SQL/SYSPRO(2) + WMS(3) = SYSPRO Two-Tier InstallORServer configuration.

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SYSPRO Three-Tier Server Configuration (Dedicated SYSPRO, SQL and DATASCOPE WMS Servers): SQL and SYSPRO are installed on a single server, DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS are installed on a single server, and the SYSPRO clients access the machine.


Note: This server configuration is recommended for a live production environment.

CLIENT(1) + SQL(2) + SYSPRO(3) + WMS(4) = SYSPRO Three-Tier Server configuration.

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WARNING: When installing DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS on the existing SQL/SYSPRO or SYSPRO Servers servers, careful attention should be taken paid to the additional load DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS will place on these servers.

Hardware Requirements

The hardware requirements for DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS are highly dependent on many factors, namely the following.

  • Type of Environment

  • Number of SYSPRO and WMS Users

A starting point to the hardware requirements should first be based on an analysis of the SYSPRO environment. SYSPRO provides a nice Hardware Calculator to determine the base server requirements for the SYSPRO side of things.

SYSPRO 8 Hardware Calculator (InfoZone login required) -

The next step will be to determine the DATASCOPE WMS Server requirements. This will be highly dependent on the environment selected. Essentially, there are two options here. The recommended option of a separate WMS Server OR installing DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS on the existing SQL/SYSPRO or SYSPRO Server.

Recommended Hardware Guideline

WMS Client PC

  • Windows 10 or Higher (Latest Updates applied)

  • Memory Requirement – 6Gb or Higher

  • CPU Requirement – Intel Core i5 (9th Generation) or Higher

  • Chrome Browser (Latest Updates applied)

WMS Client Server (Recommended)

  • Windows 10 or Higher (Latest Updates applied)

  • Intel Core i% + 4GB memory

  • Machine on the Domain

  • Excel installed to Export to Excel

  • .Net Framework 4.5.1

  • Bypass proxy for the WMS Server IP address in IE

WMS Application Server (Recommended Min. Specification)

  • Server 2008 R2 + (Server 2016 Recommended)

  • Server on a Domain

  • Minimum 32 Gig Memory

  • Barcode font for code 128

  • .Net Framework 4.5.1 or higher

  • Intermec Print driver (printers are installed on the server)

  • Crystal Reports 2005 and 2008 Redistribution packages

  • Dotnet Framework must also be installed (part of the app server role)

  • IIS 7 [with compatibility with management console for IIS 6] – (Web server role)

SQL Server (Recommended Min. Specification)

  • Server 2008 R2 + (Server 2016 Recommended)

  • Server on a Domain

  • SQL 2008/2016 or higher

  • Minimum 32 Gig Memory (Dependent on no. SYSPRO Users)

  • Dedicated drive for SQL Data (.mdf) independent of OS

  • Dedicated drive for SQL Log (.ldf) files independent of OS and Data drive above.

SYSPRO Server (Recommended Min. Specification)

  • Server 2008 R2 + (Server 2016 Recommended)

  • Server on a Domain

  • .Net Framework 4.5.1 or higher

  • Memory and CPU based on the SYSPRO Recommendations

  • E.Net Installed and tested.

  • E.Net Webservices Installed and tested.

  • E.Net Diagnostics installed.

  • Anti-Virus should have an exclusion for the SYSPRO/SYSPRO61 folder.

Standalone WMS Server (Recommended)

These are example hardware specifications for a standalone DATASCOPE PREMIUM Server.

Number of WMS Users

Memory Requirements

CPU Processing Requirements



1 CPU (2 Cores) 



1 CPU (4 Cores) 



2 CPU (2 Cores) 



2 CPU (4 Cores) 



3 CPU (8 Cores) 


Environmental Analysis Reqd. 

Environmental Analysis Reqd. 

SQL Server (Based on 3-Tier SYSPRO setup with DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS)

These are example hardware specifications for a SQL Server, based on a 3-Tier SYSPRO setup with DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS.

Number of WMS Users 

Memory Requirements 

CPU Processing Requirements 



1 CPU (2 Cores) 



1 CPI (4 Cores) 



2 CPU (6 Cores) 



3 CPU (11 Cores) 



5 CPU (16 Cores) 


Environmental Analysis Reqd. 

Environmental Analysis Reqd. 

System recommendations for a WAN environment

When running DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS in a WAN environment, various components that work together are connected to it. It is essential to know all the different components and their requirements. For example, the PC clients are the endpoints used to access the data from the WMS Server, while the scanners are responsible for capturing all the data on the warehouse floor from various locations.

The image below shows the components of the entire DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS system and how they’re connected. These components include PC clients, scanners, the WMS SQL server, the WMS server, and the SYSPRO server.

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Connectivity Requirements

WMS Line Speed Requirements

  • WMS requires a 2048kb/sec Point-to-Point Diginet line with at least 50% shaped for WMS Traffic, port details for this are below.

  • WMS requires a maximum of 200ms round trip latency between the Scanner on the floor and the WMS Server.

WMS Ports

WMS Scanners:                     HTTP Port 80, can use 81 when line requires shaping.

PC Client:                               HTTP Port 80, can use 81 when line requires shaping.

Talkman (Voice):                   TCP/IP Port 13008 and 13009

SQL                                        TCP/IP Post 1433

Note: It is recommended that all databases be kept on the same SQL Server.

1.2      Hardware and Software Specifications

The following guidelines can be used when selecting or reviewing the hardware and software specifications of the DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS Server.

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