Pickface Maintenance Calculation
This pickface pick face maintenance control module is mainly used, by a System Administrator or Warehouses Warehouse Manager, to manage the detail of the pickface pick face warehouse.
The module takes a defined period of detailed Sales data (off the SYSPRO Sales Order Detail table) to determine the demand per stock code.
Start by setting the Report Filters
Select the pickface pick face Warehouse from the drop-down that must be analyzed
Select the From Ship Date and the To Ship Date to identify the data set that should be used to calculate the pickface pick face max, reorder and min levels.
Capture the Required Values
SYSPRO REQUIREMENTS & Business objects used
This program has been developed as a basic pick face allocation control screen. A system administrator or warehouse manager can use this program to manage the detail of the pick faces in a pick face warehouse. The program takes a defined period of detailed sales data (off the SYSPRO sales order detail tables) to determine the demand per stock code.
Max Holding - The software then asks the user to define aEnter the number of days of stock holding to set
for the maximum level in each pick face in the Max holding field. This takes the average
sale volume of each product per week and then
weight it heavily in favor of the peak weeks to attempt to cover the highest peak sales weeks.
This is
import as the
Max should not be set to the highest sales week as this may be a complete once off sale.
The Max should be a weighed value to cover most peak weeks.
Enter the % of Max in the Reorder (% of Max)
field to set as the reorder level. This is the a percentage value of the max value to be set as the reorder point for this
Enter the % of Max in the Min (% of Max)
field to set as the Minimum Level. This is
the percentage value of the max value to be set as the minimum stock level for this product.
Select the Refresh icon to load the data grid
The data is
color coded to better identify
which lines must be addressed.
The following colors are shown
with their meanings:
Tan Background
these fields are all calculated values based on the date ranges set by the user
text -
lines in black text
Blue Text
indicate that these products do not require any action
Blue text - lines in blue text indicate that the new
Min and
Max and
Reorder values do not match with the current settings in the Pick
face setup. The
Update Bin
button, in the bottom right-hand corner, must be selected to force an update to these fields in
the Pick
Green Text
face setup. Note that these lines must have the tick box selected under the Select column.
Green text - lines in green text show stock codes that have been sold from this warehouse, but have no pick face at all.
Red Text
A pick face must be allocated to these products. For more information, refer to the Maintain Pick face module.
Red text - lines in red text show that the Max level we have set is to large for the bin. The software does this by taking the
Max value and multiply it with the product volume in SYSPRO, and then compares this to the Bin location volume as set in the Bin Maintenance
text -
in purple text shows that the
Max currently set against the pick face setup, is less
than, at least, one of the peak weeks.
It means that in weeks the Max you have set, would not cover that weeks demand.
To see the week’s data right-click on the line and
select Weekly Demand
. Ideally, your
Max should be able to cover most of the peak weeks. In these cases
, your user will need to make a call if the
Max should
be increased.
Right-click on the line and
update the
Max to the new manually entered value. This process
will adjust the
Reorder and
Min levels according to the values set at the top of the screen under Required Values.
Select the warehouse that needs to be analyzed
Enter the from Ship Date and to Ship Dates to identify the data set that this program should use to calculate pick face max, reorder and min levels.
Enter the number of days of stock to set for the maximum level
Enter the % of Max to set as the reorder level
Enter the % of Max to set as the Minimum level
This function allows for an automatic update of the pick face max, reorder and minimum stock levels help in the Pick Face data in DATASCOPE WMS
An automatic update of Pick face Max, Reorder and Min stock levels in Pick Face data will happen
If you scroll to the right of the data grid you will notice the Area and Zones codes for the pick faces. Sort this field to quickly see if there’s fast moving products in a slow moving
In a future version the software will include a column showing the hit rate of this product. This is the weighted number (outlier average) of time this product has been picked in a week.
Relevant SettingsArea or Zone.
REQUIREMENTS & Business objects used
DATASCOPE Table updates