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This application has 3 main functions:

  • Allow the user to enter tracking numbers against an MSN

  • Allow the users to remove or add picking slips to an existing MSN

  • Allow the

    This screen has four main functions:

    • to allow a user to enter a TrackID against an MSN

    • to allow users to add or remove a Pick slip to an existing MSN

    • to allow a user to create an MSN for a

    • pick slip that does not have an MSN

    • to allow a user to create a new MSN


  • To enter tracking numbers against an existing MSN, type the carrier tracking number(s) into the area provided. As soon as text is put into this filed, the save button appears.

  • To add a new picking slip number to an MSN, first load the MSN into the grid but entering the MSN number. Then enter the picking slip number or select using the lookup button and click add. If the picking slip
    • for an SCT order.


    MSN stands for Master Shipment Number and is a sequential number that WMS automatically generates for every pick slip. This number will print on the physical pick slip document and will be used for the MSN Grocery Checkout process.

    Enter a Carrier TrackID against an existing MSN

    • Enter or scan the Master Shipment Number.

    • Select the Refresh icon.

    • The data grid will update with the linked Pick Slip associated with the MSN number.

    • Enter the Carrier TrackID.


    A Save button will appear as soon as the Carrier TrackID is entered.

    • Select Save

    • The MSN will be updated with the Carrier TrackID.

    Add/remove a Pick Slip to an existing MSN

    • Enter or scan the Master Shipment Number

    • Select the Refresh icon

    • The data grid will update with the linked Pick Slip associated with the MSN number

    • To add a Pick Slip to an existing MSN:

      • Add an additional Pick Slip Number to the existing MSN by entering or using the lookup icon next to the Pick Slip Number field.

      • Select Add

      • Only ACTIVE pick slips will be allowed to be linked.

      • A validation step will check whether the customer of the new pick slip matches the customers of the other pick slips already on MSN.

      • If the validation fails, a pop-up will appear.

      • If Yes the pick slip will still be added to the MSN.

      • If the additional Pick Slip Number is already linked to another MSN,

    the software will warn that the user is about to move the picking slip from 1 MSN to the next
      • a pop-up message will appear warning the user that the pick slip will be moved from one MSN to another.

      • This process will link multiple pick slips to the same MSN number. If you refresh the Pick Slip Review screen, you will notice that the pick slip has moved to the new MSN.


    Note: The reason for this is a client can actually link multiple orders to multiple customers on a single MSN when the shipping is a company-owned truck.

    • To remove a

    picking slip from an MSN, click the remove button adjacent to the picking slip number to be removed. This will remove the picking slip form the MSN, so the picking slip will now have no MSN number.
  • The create New MSN button will create a new MSN– given a picking slip it should be linked to. The picking slip needs to be removed from its original MSN first.

    • Pick Slip from an existing MSN and delete the MSN:

      • Enter or scan the Master Shipment Number

      • Select the Refresh icon

      • The data grid will update with the linked Pick Slip associated with the MSN number

      • Select the pick slip line in the data grid.

      • A Delete button will appear at the bottom of the screen.

      • Select Delete

      • A pop-up message will appear stating that the pick slip has been removed from the MSN. The MSN will also be deleted.

    Create an MSN for a Pick Slip that does not have an MSN (only applicable if the MSN was deleted)

    • Select the Create New MSN button

    • A Create New MSN pop-up will appear.

    • Enter a Master Customer or use the lookup icon to select

    • Enter a Pick Slip or use the lookup icon to select. At least one pick slip must be linked to an MSN


    Tab off the Pick Slip field to activate the Create MSN button.

    • Select Create MSN


    MSNs are created by default and wouldn’t necessary require creation. This is only applicable if an MSN was deleted.

    Create a new MSN for a SCT order.

    • Start by selecting the Create New MSN button.

    • Select the SCT check box, next to the Master Customer/Customer lookup field. This will disable the Master Customer/Customer lookup field.

    • Link one pick slip. Once the pick slip is selected the software will validate whether it is a SCT picking slip.

    • A pop-up will appear if it is not a SCT pick slip.

    • If it’s a valid SCT pick slip the record will be saved into the database without a customer.

    • Select Create MSN.

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    rootPageF1 help


    • Tracking numbers turn red when the user enters a new number, which will replace the original number

     SYSPRO Requirements
    • .

    • Additional validation has been added to this screen - only active pick slips can be linked (i.e. not COMPLETE or CANCELLED). The screen will validate that the customer of the new pick slip matches the other pick slips already on the MSN. The validation will work as follow:

      • If the customer does not match a Warning message will pop-up stating “The customer code on this order does not match the customer code on the orders already linked to this MSN. Are you sure you want to continue?”

      • If Y(es), the order will be added to the MSN.


    • None

    SYSPRO REQUIREMENTS & Business objects used

    • None


     DATASCOPE Table updates

  • tblMasterShipmentHeader

  • tblMasterShipmentDetail

  • tblMasterShipmentCartons


    • Release notes 24.2 (Ticket #6804) - additional validation added when linking pick slips to an MSN.

    • Release notes 24.2 (Ticket #8460) - The MSN (Master Shipment Number) screen will allow the creation of a new MSN for an SCT order.

