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Thank you for your understanding and patience.(The System Trigger module is new and only ships with the Task Management module. This new Trigger Setup module has replaced our previous rudimentary trigger system, which required manual file editing in the background, and now features a user-friendly interface.
This module links a specific process (PickingSlipCreation) to a specific Task. Therefore, the script files map the data from the Trigger process (for example PickingSlipCreation) into the task.
For example: On the HTML5 Put Away screen, when you do a Purchase Receipt where a TrackID was generated, a task will be generated for each TrackID created. That information must then be passed on from the Trigger to the Task, and the script files are used to pass the information on from the Trigger to the Task.
This new System Triggers interface incorporates all our existing VBScript and the new Task Management VBScript.
There are a couple of columns within the data grid to take note of:
System Trigger – this refers to the VBScript name that is called.
Description – this is a detailed description of the script.
VB Enabled – this tick box cannot be checked but will be checked if the script is linked to a trigger.
Task Enabled – this tick box cannot be checked, but it will be checked if a task is linked to a trigger.
Warehouses – this column will list all the warehouses where the specific Trigger will work.
Edit – this link can be selected to start editing a specific trigger.
Let us look at the Trigger Maintenance screen when you select the Edit link in the data grid. This is typically where you will link up a specific VBScript with a specific Trigger.
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Before you can do this, you must first copy the Sample VBScript files provided, from the Sample folder to the Trigger folder. This ensures that the core VBScripts doesn’t change, and you can do further customization on the copied version. |
Open Windows Explorer on the box where the application, DATASCOPE WMS, is installed.
Browse to Program Files / DATASCOPE / DATASCOPE WMS WebAPI / Triggers / Samples
Copy the required script files from the Sample filter to the Trigger folder.
Once you have copied them, go back to the System Trigger screen in DATASCOPE WMS
Click on the Edit link next to one of the System Triggers you want to link the VBScript file too.
The Trigger Maintenance screen for that System Trigger will open.
The System Trigger and the Description will be populated with the System Trigger name.
Select the warehouse(s) or All from the drop-down next to Warehouse. The selected system trigger will then only work in the selected warehouses.
Info |
Note: The Warehouse column in the data grid, will display the Warehouses selected. |
If existing VBScript will be used:
Select the Enabled check box under the VB Script heading, if a specific script must run.
The VB Enabled checkbox on the System Trigger screen will then be ticked.
Select the Script File from the drop-down menu and select the applicable VBScript. You must have copied it over from the Sample folder to the Trigger folder first.
If Task Scripts will be used:
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Note: Task scripts will be prefixed with the word TASK_ |
When creating a new Task, you will only Enable the Task Link (and not the VB Script)
Select the Enabled check box under the Task Link heading, if a specific script must run.
The Task Enabled checkbox on the System Trigger screen will then be ticked.
Select the Script File from the drop-down menu and select the applicable VBScript that must be linked to the task. You must have copied it over from the Sample folder to the Trigger folder first.
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If the Task scripts is not available in the drop-down you must first copy them from the Sample folder to the Triggers folder under Windows Explorer / Program Files / DATASCOPE / DATASCOPE WMS WebAPI / Triggers / Samples. |
Select Save
The System Triggers module therefore links a specific process (for example PickingSlipCreation) to a specific Task.
Editing the linked scripts
To edit a task script that has been linked to a System Trigger.
Select the Edit VB Script link below the Scrip File drop-down.
The VB Script Editor screen will open. This is where you can customize the existing VBScript for the selected Task.
Info |
The script under the Sample folder is the base script for this Trigger and is shipped with the Task Management module when you purchase the module. |
Select Save
As the Task Linked was enabled the Task Enabled column will be checked next to the applicable System Trigger.
Overview of the basic VBScript for the Task_POReceiptFinalize Trigger and how to make changes
It is a basic VB Script that does an Echo. It contains information that we supply and then gets used to generate the task. It’s a basic data mapping.
WScript.Echo "<Field TaskCode='PUTASTD' Area='A1' Zone='Z1' TrnSource='"&PurchaseOrder &"' />"
'End Function
WScript.Echo "<Field TaskCode='PUTASTD' Area='PICK' Zone='PICK' AssignedTo='' Instruction='' Priority='' StandardTime='' UserField='' MHE='' TrnSource='" + WScript.Arguments.Item(1) + "' />"
The first section of the script refers to the TaskCode. If you created a new Custom Task, in the Task Master Listing screen, you could replace this code with the Custom Task code if you created a new Custom Task, visible in the first column in the Task Master Listing data grid.
The Warehouse can also be updated or left blank.
Same for the Area, Zone, AssignedTo
You can also update the Instruction, Priority, StandardTime, UserField, MHE, as well as TrnSource
All these parameters are also visible on the Task Review screen.
Once you have made your required customizations, you can select Save and Close
Page Tree Search | ||
NoneThe new System Triggers module replaces the old rudimentary trigger system, and can also be used to edit existing VBScripts.
The user can easily link a specific process to a specific task, created in the Task Management module.
This screen is also available under General / System Trigger (General) [TIL005]
The System Administrator (or Admin user) will set up the task. Ensure the user have the correct permissions to do this. From the Ribbon bar, browse to Settings / Permissions. Select the Group Permissions TAB and locate the ADMINgroup from the Group drop-down. Ensure the user have the following two permissions. MAY_EDIT_TASKVBSCRIPTING and MAY_EDIT_VBSCRIPTING
SYSPRO REQUIREMENTS & Business objects used
(also under General / System Trigger (General) [TIL005] )