Once logged in to the software, the window should look similar to the image below.
<image of screen>
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The interface is separated into five main parts:
The Ribbon Bar at the top of the screen consists mainly of all the system and configuration settings, including the SYSPRO integration buttons.
Area in the middle, which is the primary workspace
The Main Menu at the top-left of the screen
The My Menu at the bottom-left of the screen
The Status Bar at the bottom, which displays shortcut suggestions and relevant logged-on information
Ribbon Bar
<image of Ribbon Bar>
<explanation of Ribbon Bar>
Primary workspace
<image of Area in the middle>
<explanation of Primary workspace>
Main Menu
<image of Main Menu>
If you select one of the modules from the Main Menu, a window will open in the middle. Multiple windows can be opened and these windows can be resized and minimized as and when you need them.
My Menu
<image of My Menu>
<explanation of My Menu>
Splash Screen
<image of Splash screen>
<explanation of Splash screen - this is basically the login screen you will see when you open the software>