Counting the physical stock using the mobile device (Schedule Cycle Count)

HTML / Scheduled Cycle Count [STK055]

Try it!

  • The physical count is performed using the Schedule Cycle Count mobile screen.

  • To open the HTML 5 scanner window from the PC, go to the Ribbon bar at the top and select Launch HTML 5. This will open the HTML 5 sub-menu.

  • Click on the Launch HTML 5 icon.

  • Your HTML 5 window will load.

  • You will notice that all the modules will be visible.

  • Use the search icon to locate the Scheduled Cycle Count module easily or browse through the windows.

Locate the HTML5 Scheduled Cycle Count screen.
  • The Scheduled Cycle Count screen will open.

Scheduled Cycle Count screen.
  • Select the warehouse from the Warehouse drop-down.

  • Select a Schedule Type from the drop-down.

  • Select a Count Type of SCHEDULED.

  • Select the Search button or the data grid to load.

  • The data grid will load according to the schedule.

  • Select the first bin in the list and click Next. The Items Tab will open.

  • The system automatically assigns the first bin location to the logged-in user.

  • All the TrackID within the assigned Bin will be visible on the screen.

  • Select the first item on the list and start counting. When selecting the item, the software will automatically move to the Count Tab.

  • If there’s no ACTIVE TrackIDs in the bin a pop-up will appear. However, if there’s stock in the Bin you can count it. Select Yes on the pop-up.

  • The Add Count Tab will open, and you can scan the TrackID that is in the bin.

  • If there are stock in the Bin the Count Tab will open. It works precisely like the standard Cycle Counting screen.

  • Type or scan the Bin number in the Bin field. This is the Bin you want to Cycle Count

  • Select TAB

  • Next, you must scan (or type in) the TrackID that is physically in the bin.

  • Select TAB

  • If only one TrackID exists, the scanner will autoload the stock code and description.

  • If more than one Stock Code exists, you must select one. If it is a Lot traceable stock code, then you must also enter the Lot number.

  • Enter the quantity in the Quantity field after counting the physical stock in the TrackID.

  • Select a reason from the Reason drop-down.

  • Select Post.

Once all stock codes on the TrackID are counted, a pop-up may appear asking if you want to move on to the next TrackID.

Tracking the scheduled counts

  • The Cycle Count Scheduler Advanced review screen will be used throughout the day or week to ensure the Cycle Count Schedule is being adhered to.

  • When refreshing the Cycle Count Scheduler Advanced review screen, the status of the count will change to INPROGRESS.

  • If you want to assign a count to a different Operator, you can right-click on a row and select Assign Operator.