TrackID Statuses

Warehouse Setup / TrackID Maintenance / TrackID Status Update [WHS043]

A TrackID passes through several system statuses as transactions occur. Each TrackID Type has different statuses, but generally, when a TrackID is generated, the first status is CREATED.

I've included for you the various statuses according to TrackID Type.

The Normal TrackID Type has the following statuses:

  • CREATED – Pallet just created.

  • PRINTED – The pallet Label has been printed.

  • PRINTING – The pallet Label is being printed.

  • ACTIVE – Active Pallet

  • ONHOLD – Pallet is On Hold

  • INACTIVE – Pallet Disabled

The Picking TrackID Type has the same statuses than the Normal TrackID Type, but only some area really applicable:

  • CREATED – Pallet just created.

  • PRINTED – The pallet Label has been printed.

  • ACTIVE – Active Pallet

  • ONHOLD – Pallet is On Hold

  • INACTIVE – Pallet Disabled

The Pickface TrackID Type has the same statuses than the Normal TrackID Type, but only some area really applicable:

  • ACTIVE – Active Pallet

  • ONHOLD – Pallet is On Hold

  • INACTIVE – Pallet Disabled

The Shipping TrackID Type has the following statuses:






Once TrackIDs information has been sent to the printer spooler, the status will update to PRINTING, and when the printing is completed, it will update to PRINTED. These two statuses are generally very short-lived.

Once the label is printed, it will immediately change to ACTIVE.

However, if the stock on a TrackID has been flagged as Inspectable in SYSPRO, the TrackID will first move to an ONHOLD status, pending a quality inspection. If the inspection fails, the pallet remains in an ONHOLD status, but if it passes, the TrackID Status will update to ACTIVE status.

When TrackIDs have been depleted of stock, the status will update to INACTIVE, except for the Pickface TrackID Type. This type of TrackID will remain ACTIVE as Pickface bins will still be available for stock replenishment.

Try it!

TrackID statuses can be updated if required. The TrackID Status Update screen is typically used to do this. Typical reasons for updating a TrackID status are:

  • When transaction failure occurs in the core software and requires a status to be updated.

  • When stock needs to be quarantined for a quality problem after passing the Quality Department checks. The TrackID can then be updated from ACTIVE to ONHOLD, pending on the outcome of the quality inspection.

  • If a TrackID was set to INACTIVE incorrectly and you want to use the TrackID number again. The status can be changed to ACTIVE and continue to be used.

Typically, the System Administrator will be allowed to do this.

These statuses are also visible on the TrackID Status Update screen.

  • To open this screen, browse on the Main menu, Warehouse Setup / TrackID Maintenance / TrackID Status Update.

TrackID Status Update
  • Enter the TrackID or use the lookup icon to locate the TrackID.

  • The Current Status of the TrackID will be visible in the Current Status field.

  • Select one of the available Statuses from the New Status drop-down.

  • Provide a Reason for the change in the Reason field.

  • Select the Update button.

  • The TrackID change will be visible in the data grid below the update fields. If the TrackID is in the current status of  INACTIVE then the grid should show INACTIVE lines, if the TrackID is in any other status it will show ACTIVE and/or ONHOLD lines.

Data grid will update with correct status.