Packing and Labeling loose quantities

Reference - Order Packing & Check Out / Check Out Options / MSN Grocery Pack / MSN Grocery Pack MSN Grocery Pack [CHK100]

You might only have packed and labeled Full Boxes / Standard Packs so far, but stock codes might still be left on order with smaller or loose quantities.

Let’s pack the remaining loose quantities into another box or carton.

Note: Packing smaller or loose quantities might not be a typical LTL scenario, but it is not an unusual one.

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Try it!

The smaller quantity stock codes must now be scanned to be added to a current box.

  • The remaining quantities to pack will be visible in the Qty to Pack column


  • Ensure a carton size has been selected before packing the remaining smaller quantities

  • Scan or type the stock code into the Barcode field

Adding a Barcode number will highlight the selected stock code in green


  • Notice that the Qty to Pack figure will update with an increment of one. If the stock code line had just one Qty to Pack, you will get an Invalid Qty error when trying to scan or update the Barcode again for this specific stock code. Qty Packed cannot be greater than Qty to Pack

  • Type or scan your next Barcode into the Barcode field. The line for that stock code will also turn green and the Qty Packed column will be updated by one

  • As there is more than one item to be packed you can scan or type in the Barcode again to pack the second and third items

  • Once the box is full you can click on the Complete Carton button at the bottom-right of the screen

Select the Complete Carton option
  • By default, with the WMS installation, a pop-up window will appear with a weight option. You can type in the scaled mass of the current box. You will then see the estimated mass versus the actual mass