Sales Order Release (Wave)

Reference: Order Release / Pick Slip Release / Sales Order Wave Release Sales Order Wave Release [PIK002]

The Sales Order Wave Release module allows the warehouse controllers the ability to review and release batches of orders into the warehouse in user-defined waves (groups). A typical wave may be all order lines due for shipment for a route, geographic area, or order type of customer (to name a few filters)

These waves are created by entering various user-defined filters into the selected window at the start of the process.

Once the order book has been filtered to the lines required for picking, the controller can group orders into master shipping groupings (groups of orders for shipping to optimize freight costs). The order lines are then released as waves into the warehouse for picking. Numerous waves can be released throughout the day. This works very well when linked with shipping route planning.

Try it!

  • On the Main Menu, browse to Order Release / Pick Slip Release / Sales Order Wave Release

Sales Order Wave Release on the Main Menu


  • A parameter screen with various filter options will open

Sales Order Allocation Parameter screen
  • The run-time filters on the Sales Order Allocation Parameter screen can assist with setting and scheduling the wave intervals on the warehouse floor

  • You can reserve only one customer or a range of customers or customer branches at a time

  • Another option may be to release all your pick slips based on the Ship Via field in SYSPRO by using the Ship Via Selection filter

  • You can also configure your Order Priority custom form field in SYSPRO to release Urgent orders.

  • Another option can be to only release Sales Orders with a Ship Date for a specific date

  • Once you have made your selection, select OK

  • The data grid will populate the matching data according to the filters set

  • Next, you have the option to Auto Reserve all the lines on the data grid

  • You can also deselect lines if you do not want to Auto Reserve them by deselecting the Auto Flag tick box. You might have to scroll to the right-hand side of the data grid to see the column

  • Select the Auto Reserve button

  • A pop-up maybe appear asking to clear all prior reservations. Click Yes to continue with Auto Reservation

  • Once again you will be able to open the Reserve Stock link to view the reserved stock. Again, you will have to work through the red lines and manually resolve the stock shortages

  • Select Confirm

  • A pick slip, like the single release screen, will print, but for all the Sales Orders that are in green

  • A pop-up will appear with the SYSPRO Sales Order number and pick slip number before it will print