Reprinting Carton Labels or Packing Lists
Reference - Order Packing & Check Out / Check Out Options / MSN Grocery Pack / MSN Grocery Pack Reprint MSN Grocery Pack Carton Reprint [CHK101]
Carton Labels and Packing Lists can be reprinted at any time
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Navigate to Order Packing & Check Out / Check Out Options / MSN Grocery Pack / MSN Grocery Pack Carton Reprint
MSN Grocery Pack Carton Reprint option
The Reprint Carton screen will open
Type in or scan your MSN Number into the MSN field
Select the Carton Label you want to reprint by checking the Reprint checkbox against that carton label in the data grid
If you want to reprint the Packing List, the reprint checkbox next to the Packing List Template must be selected for this action
Select Packing List or Carton Label to reprint
Select Print