Put Away (HTML5)

HTML / Put Away [SHP095]

Try it!

  • To open the HTML 5 scanner window from the PC, go to the Ribbon bar at the top and select Launch HTML5. This will open the HTML 5 sub-menu.

  • Click on the Launch HTML 5 icon.

  • Your HTML 5 scanner window will load.

HTML 5 scanner window
  • You will notice that all the modules will be visible. Use the search icon to easily search for the Put Away module or browse through the windows to locate it.

HTML 5 Scanner window – Search for Put Away
  • If you open the Put Away module the following window will open.

  • From the Put Away HTML 5 scanner-based screen you can only put away pallets with single stock codes on them.

  • Scan or type a TrackID with a single stock code on it

  • The window will load automatically with the Suggested Bin Location, Pickface Bin, and Total Mass

  • The Suggested Bin Location refers to the next open bin location in the warehouse for the pallet that was scanned

  • The Wh Default Bin (Zone) populates from the SYSPRO default bin field against that specific stock code on that tracking ID in the warehouse you have scanned

  • The Pick face bin field is the location of the Pick face Bin under which that stock code is configured against. The Area where the pick face is located is also displayed next to the Pick face bin field. You can view the pick face configuration under Main Menu / Warehouse Setup / Pickface Maintenance / Pickface Management Report. For more information, refer to Pickface Setup

  • The Total Mass is the SYSPRO mass field multiplied by the total quantity

  • Type in or scan the To Bin location into which you want to put away the stock

  • Select the Put Away button

  • The system does a Bin transfer of that specific item

  • To review this Bin transfer, you can go back to the Information Check screen to review