SYSPRO Fixed Bin Settings
During the installation phase of FASTTRACK WMS, there are specific SYSPRO Settings that must be updated to work with FASTTRACK WMS.
One of these settings is for Fixed Bins. During the installation of Outdoors company in SYSPRO, the default setting is set to Yes. This must be updated to No for your FASTTRACK WMS implementation.
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Update the Fixed Bin setting
Open your SYSPRO 8 and navigate to Setup Options under Setup on the Main Menu.
The Setup Options screen will open for the company you have configured.
Use the Search option on the screen to locate the Inventory / Fix Bins option.
On the Inventory Fixed Bins option screen, you need to uncheck the box for Fixed Bin.
Select Save and Exit on the Main Menu for your change to take effect.
Confirm the Setting
To confirm the setting is set to No, you must browse from the SYSPRO Main Menu to Inventory / Setup / Warehouses.
Go to the Warehouse that you are configuring for FASTTRACK WMS.
Open the Warehouse Maintenance screen and check whether Fixed Bins in Use is set to No.