Creating multiple SKUs TrackIDs on a GIT In

SCT & GIT / Goods in Transit / GIT IN [GIT002]

The option exists to create a multi SKUs TrackID on a GIT In.

Try it!

  • Browse from the Main Menu to SCT & GIT / Goods In Transit / GIT In

  • Search for the GIT Reference (as per SYSPRO example FG0000002) from the lookup window.

Browse for GIT Reference from the lookup window
  • Select the GIT Reference nr you want to work with.

  • Select the Multi Stock Code TrackID button.

  • A pop-up window will appear in which you specify which lines and stock codes you are going to allocate to the first pallet.

Multi Stock code TrackID screen
  • Select the drop-down below the PO Line and select a specific stock code

  • Indicate the quantity you will be receiving for that specific stock code

  • Select Add. To add it to the data grid

  • Select Create TrackID

  • You will get a pop-up indicating that it is created.

  • Next, you will follow the same process to create your second pallet/TrackID.

  • Once all the lines have a green check mark, you can continue to Finalize.

  • Select Finalize on the GIT In screen

  • Your receipt will be processed, and you will be able to print multiple TrackID Labels. These TrackIDs will then be ready for Put Away.

  • It should print to the PDF printer, which is the default.