SCT & GIT / Goods In Transit / GIT IN [GIT002]

The GIT (Goods in Transit) module manages warehouse interbranch transfers. In this user guide, we will discuss how to process a GIT In transaction when the GIT Out has only been created in SYSPRO, and you want to do the GIT In into FASTTRACK WMS and create pallets (TrackIDs).

This is used when one warehouse is not running FASTTRACK WMS, and you have received stock into another warehouse running FASTTRACK WMS, and you want to create pallets to do that transfer.

Try it!

View GIT transaction in SYSPRO

The first step in the process will be to view the GIT transaction in SYSPRO to get the GIT Reference number, and determine the from-warehouse and to-warehouse. For more information on viewing the GIT transaction in SYSPRO, refer to View GIT transaction in SYSPRO

Receive the GIT (Goods in Transit) into FASTTRACK WMS

  • To receive the stock into a FASTTRACK WMS warehouse you can browse from the main menu to SCT & GIT / Goods In Transit / GIT In

  • Search for the GIT Reference (as per SYSPRO example FG0000002) from the lookup window.

Search for GIT Reference from the lookup window
  • Select the GIT Reference nr you want to work with.

  • A pop-up will appear. The system will check if there are any tracking IDs related to the OUT transaction.

  • Select OK.

  • You will now be creating the pallets/TrackIDs within FASTTRACK WMS.

  • If you look at the data grid you can focus on the following information:

    • Line Quantity: the quantity

    • Quantity Received: quantity received to date

    • Outstanding Quantity: quantity outstanding to date

  • Input your quantities in the yellow Qty to Receive column

  • Right-click on the line and select Allocation

  • Do your allocations for all the stock codes in the GIT Reference. Remember to select Apply after each allocation.

  • You will get a green check mark on the GIT In data grid, indicating that all stock codes have been allocated.

  • Select Finalize on the right-hand bottom of the GIT In screen

  • Your GIT will process and SYSPRO updated, and the goods are transferred from one warehouse to the other. TrackIDs will be generated within FASTTRACK WMS in the receiving warehouse bin

  • You will be able to print the TrackID Labels, as you have split them up in the TrackID Allocation screen.

  • It should print to the PDF printer, which is the default.

  • You will then see a GRN Successfully completed pop-up with the GRN number. This is the SYSPRO GRN number and the confirmation that it has been received in SYSPRO.

The option also exist to create a multiple SKUs TrackID on a GIT IN.