Assign Pick Slips to a MSN (Master Shipment Number)
Order Release / Pick Slip Release / Maintain Master Shipments [PIK003]
Stands for Master Shipment Number is a sequential number that WMS automatically generates for every pick slip. This number will be printed on the physical pick slip document and used for the MSN Grocery Checkout process. Typically, only one MSN number is created per pick slip. However, multiple pick slips can be added to one MSN number to allow a user to pick multiple pick slips at once.
Typically, this screen has three main functions:
to allow a user to enter a TrackID against an MSN
to allow users to add or remove a Pick slip to an existing MSN
to allow a user to create an MSN for a pick slip that does not have an MSN
to allow a user to create a new MSN for an SCT order.
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Try it!
From the Main Menu, browse to Order Release / Pick Slip Release / Maintain Master Shipments
The Maintain Master Shipment screen will open.
Enter a Carrier TrackID against an existing MSN
Enter or scan the Master Shipment Number.
Select the Refresh icon.
The data grid will update with the linked Pick Slip associated with the MSN number.
Enter the Carrier TrackID. It will be saved against the MSN number and printed on any MSN-related documents for use with a third-party courier company. Select the Save button.
Select Save
The MSN will be updated with the Carrier TrackID.
Add/remove a Pick Slip to an existing MSN
Enter or scan the Master Shipment Number you want to add an additional Pick slip too.
Select the Refresh icon
The data grid will update with the linked Pick Slip associated with the MSN number
To add a Pick Slip to an existing MSN:
Add an additional Pick Slip Number to the existing MSN by entering or using the lookup icon next to the Pick Slip Number field.
Select Add
A validation step will check whether the customer of the new pick slip matches the customers of the other pick slips already on MSN.
If the validation fails, a pop-up will appear.
If Yes the pick slip will still be added to the MSN.
If the additional Pick Slip Number is already linked to another MSN, a pop-up message will appear warning the user that the pick slip will be moved from one MSN to another.
This process will link multiple pick slips to the same MSN number. If you refresh the Pick Slip Review screen, you will notice that the pick slip has moved to the new MSN.
This process can be followed for multiple pick slips you want to pick (using the HTML5 Sales Order MSN Picking screen) and/or check out (using the PC-based MSN Grocery Checkout module) together.
You can invoice these pick slips on the same MSN using the MSN Final Invoice Post screen.
To remove a Pick Slip from an existing MSN and delete the MSN:
Enter or scan the Master Shipment Number
Select the Refresh icon
The data grid will update with the linked Pick Slip associated with the MSN number
Select the pick slip line in the data grid.
A Delete button will appear at the bottom of the screen. The Delete button will only be visible if a pick slip is selected.
Select Delete
A pop-up message will appear stating that the pick slip has been removed from the MSN. The MSN will also be deleted.
Create an MSN for a Pick Slip that does not have an MSN (only applicable if the MSN was deleted)
Select the Create New MSN button
A Create New MSN pop-up will appear.
Enter a Master Customer or use the lookup icon to select
Enter a Pick Slip or use the lookup icon to select. At least one pick slip must be linked to an MSN
Select Create MSN
Create a new MSN for a SCT order.
Start by selecting the Create New MSN button.
Select the SCT check box, next to the Master Customer/Customer lookup field. This will disable the Master Customer/Customer lookup field.
Link one pick slip. Once the pick slip is selected the software will validate whether it is a SCT picking slip.
A pop-up will appear if it is not a SCT pick slip.
If it’s a valid SCT pick slip the record will be saved into the database without a customer.
Select Create MSN.