Queued Reader (CS*)

This Service forms part of the DATASCOPE WMS Core Services, and no MSI file needs to be downloaded. To configure the Service, select the tick box and select Next.


Release 23.1 - The Logging Service that manages the logs from the Microsoft Message Queues and inserts it into the DB is a standalone Service. This Service has been migrated and will automatically form part of the DATASCOPE WMS Core Services. This new Queue Reader Service is now configurable via the Services section within System Manager. (DevOps # 5098)

Queue Reader Service is now part of the Service option within System Manager

Before configuring the settings, a pop-up will appear stating that the service must be restarted before any changes take effect. The DATASCOPE Core Service must be restarted.

The following settings are applicable for this Service:

  • Poll Delay - The default core service delay is 60 (1 min), which can be adjusted.

  • Company Name - the current company.

  • Batch Size - The number of MSMQ Messages to process in a batch. If 0 all messages will be continuously written from the queue.

  • Output To - Either DATABASE or CSV, indicate the queue messages log destination.

  • Output Path - Only used if 'Output To' is set to CSV, this path is used to write the csv log files.

  • Select Next.

  • The System Manager will close, and the Service must be restarted for the changes to take effect.