How to create KPIs?

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The true power of our KPI Reports is that you can create your own KPI Reports that suit your needs. Like amending the HTML5 screens, you can create your own KPI reports.

Two methods exist to create a new KPI report:

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Copying existing reports

The easiest way to create your own KPI report is to copy an existing report and reconfigure it slightly to address your needs.

  • Open a report from the KPI drop-down menu

  • Select the Copy Page icon in the top right corner of the HTML5 screen

Copy Page icon
  • Add a new Page Title (this is the name that will display on the menu under My KPIs)

Add your Page Title
  • You can use the same name as your Page Name (this is the internal file name)

  • Select the Copy Design As drop-down and select a design. You can select New KPI

  • Select OK

  • A pop-up message will appear, confirming that it has been copied. Select OK

  • The copied KPI report will now be visible in the My KPIs drop-down

  • Next, you must open the copied report under My KPIs and start configuring it according to your needs

  • Select the Edit Chart option under the Chart Context Menu

  • The Edit Chart Properties (New KPI) screen will open

  • Various options are available at the top of the screen to edit the copied report

o   General – change the Chart Title and Chart Type

o   Axes – these settings allow you to add X-Axis and Y-Axis names to your chart. The Legend Name is visible at the bottom of the chart.

o   Drilldown – all FASTTRACK WMS data is stored and available in the database therefore you can create some drill-down functionality by writing your own SQL Stored Procedures.

o   Date Range Selector – this is used to change the data range of the report

To change the report from a Month to Date to a Week to Date report you can select the WTD button

o   Additional – this screen allows you to set the auto-refresh intervals of the graphs. This is usually used when you create Dashboards that are visible on the warehouse floor

  • Once you have made all your changes you can select OK to save the changes

  • The copied graph with the new settings will be available under the My KPIs drop-down

Creating a new report

You can also create your own KPI reports from scratch. This option will not copy any report from existing reports but allows you to create your own reports by writing your own SQL Stored Procedures.

  • Select the Design button at the bottom of the screen

  • Select New KPI

  • The Add Chart Properties (New KPI) screen will open

  • Again, various options are available at the top of the screen to edit the report:

o   General – add the Chart Title and select the Chart Type

  • If you select the Use Existing KPI checkbox, then you can select one of the existing KPI’s stored procedures. If you select the checkbox a list of all existing KPI reports will appear in a drop-down list.

  • However, because you are writing your own Stored Procedure you can leave this unchecked and add your SQL Stored Procedure name in the Procedure Name field

  • The system will automatically detect if any parameters are included in your Stored Procedure and the option to add those will appear. Select +Add to add the parameters.

o   Axes - these settings allow you to add X-Axis and Y-Axis names to your chart. The Legend Name is visible at the bottom of the chart.

o   Drilldown – as all the data is stored and available in the database you can create some drill-down functionality by writing your own SQL Stored Procedures

o   Date Range Selector – this is used to change the data range of the report. To change the report from a Month to Date to a Week to Date report you can select the WTD button

o   Additional – this screen allows you to set the auto-refresh intervals of the graphs. This is usually used when you create Dashboards that are visible on the warehouse floor

  • Once you have configured all your settings you can Preview your new KPI chart. Select Preview

  • Select OK

  • Select Save Page at the top right of the screen

  • A pop-up will appear asking you to add a Page Title (this is the name that will display on the menu under My KPIs) and Page Name (this is the Internal file name)

  • You have the option to add your chart to the Welcome Dashboard page by checking the Set as Welcome Dashboard checkbox. Your new KPI report will be visible on the Welcome Dashboard when launching the HTML 5 KPI screen