Start SYSPRO stock take with specific Bin range


The Bin range you wish to count must be selected in SYSPRO before opening the Stock Take by Bin module in DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS.

For more information on starting a full stock take in SYSPRO, refer to Start SYSPRO stock take

Let’s start with the SYSPRO Stock Take Selection process:

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Try it!

  • Open SYSPRO

  • On the SYSPRO Programs list, browse to Inventory / Stock Take System / Transaction Processing / Stock Take Selection.

SYSPRO Stock Take Selection on the menu
  • The Stock Take Selection screen will open.

SYSPRO Stock Take Selection screen
  • Select the warehouse where you will be counting by selecting the lookup icon.

  • Enter the Bin Range to be counted.

  • Select Start Processing at the top of the Stock Take Selection screen.

  • This action takes a snapshot of the current quantities in the SYSPRO file, and the SYSPRO stock take has started for the selected Bin range. Next, you can start the WMS Stock Take - Start DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS stock take by bin