View and Edit existing Shippers

Reference - Shipping / Shipper List - Shipper List [SHP011]

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To view Shippers already created, go to:

  • From the Main Menu, you can browse to Shipping / Shipper List

Locate the Shipper List screen from the Main Menu
  • The Shipper List will open

View Shipper List
  • If changes are required to existing Shippers’ information, it can be done from this screen.

  • Select the Edit hyperlink in the first column

  • The Shipper Detail screen will open

  • Update the required fields as changes are required.

Update Shipment Types, Rates, and label templates per Shipper

Each Shipper can have their own Shipment Type, Rate, and Label Template. If this wasn’t configured when the Shipper was created, you could configure it on the Shipper Detail screen. To create new Shippers, refer to Setting up Shippers.

  • From the Shipper Detail screen, select the Edit hyperlink next to the desired Shipper

  • Clicking in the field to the right of the star and selecting the Shipment Type. For more information on creating Shipment Types, refer to Setting up the Shipment Type

  • Add the desired Rate

  • The Waybill/BOL .rpt Template is also added here per Shipment Type. Add the WMS_A4_Shipping_Waybill_BLANK.rpt or DATASCOPE_SHIPPING_WAYBILL_SUMMARY.rpt template for each Shipper.

  • The Shipping TrackID can also be added here, under the Label Template field.

  • Select Update to save your changes for the selected Shipper.