Creating a Waybill (Flexible Load)
Shipping / Waybill/BOL Maintenance - Waybill/BOL Maintenance [SHP010]
The Waybill/BOL Maintenance screen is used to build up a Waybill before dispatching.
A Waybill is essentially a shipment. Therefore, Waybills can be created at any point in time after your pick slips have been printed. Waybill creation, therefore, doesn’t need to wait until the end of the picking and checkout process. However, finalizing the Waybill depends on the stock being picked.
In this mode, the shipping department is reasonably sure that the waybill or shipment will end up on more than one truckload, and it is dependent on the truck loading staff to indicate when the truck loading is completed and can be dispatched. Therefore, confirmation of what is shipped is only done after loading the truck. This allows the shipping department to plan the required loads and only release the documentation at the end. This Flexible mode only allows us to process a SYSPRO dispatch note after truck loading. This way, we can ensure that what is on our dispatch note and the waybill matches, and the customer will then expect a second delivery with the balance. Flexible loads are usually used for large shipments, which will fit into more than one truck.
Note: A mix of Fixed and Flexible Shipping Load Types can run on the same site.
The fundamental difference between Fixed and Flexible loads is that Fixed loads are pre-loaded by a Dispatch Controller with shipping TrackIDs that are to be truck loaded and dispatched, whereas Flexible loads can be built up by the Truck Loading staff with no pre-planning required.
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Try it!
Flexible load waybills can be closed off, and a Dispatch note can be created immediately when the loaded truck is full.
From the main menu, browse Shipping / Waybill/BOL Maintenance.
The Waybill/BOL Maintenance screen will open.
The Fixed Load type will be selected by default.
View Shipping TrackID status
To continue, a pick slip must be picked and checked out using the MSN Grocery Pack module. The MSN Grocery Pack module must be used to check out and create Shipping TrackIDs. Once the Shipping TrackIDs have been created, the pick slip will have a SHIPPING status and will be ready for use in the Shipping module.
To query the Shipping TrackIDs (created during the MSN Grocery Pack checkout), browse to KPI Dashboard & Reporting / Standard Reports / Information Check.
You can add more than one Shipping TrackID in the TrackID field by separating them with commas.
As it is Shipping TrackIDs, select the Shipping TrackID Type, and the Include INACTIVE TrackIDs check box, as Shipping TrackIDs are always marked as INACTIVE.
These Shipping TrackIDs are now ready for Truck loading and have been moved to the Dispatch cages in the warehouse.
Next, a Flexible Load Waybill must be created.
Create a Flexible Load Shipment Waybill
On the Waybill/BOL Maintenance screen, select New.
The various Waybill/BOL Maintenance screen fields will be activated.
Select the Flexible Load Type.
Select the Shipper.
Add the Shipper Waybill/BOL.
Select the Route and Vehicle.
Select the Customer.
Select the Save button to get the Waybill number. Once the Save button is selected, the Waybill/BOL Number will appear in the field.
A pop-up will indicate that the Waybill was created successfully.
As this is a Flexible Load, no pick slips or Shipping track IDs must be pre-selected, like when you do a Fixed Load.
The Dims and Mass can be processed next.
Adding Dims and Mass
Dims and Mass are added using the HTML5 Shipping Dims and Mass module and are typically the first step of the Shipping process.
For more information, refer to Adding Dimensions and Mass
Locate the Shipping Dims and Mass icon on the scanner.
You can also access the HTML5-based scanner screens form the PC.
To open the HTML 5 scanner screen from the PC, go to the Main Menu at the top of your screen and select Launch HTML5. This will open the HTML 5 sub-menu.
Click on the Launch HTML 5 icon.
Your HTML 5 scanner screen will load.
You will notice that all the modules will be visible. Use the search icon to easily search for a module or browse through the screens to locate it.
Scan (or enter) the first Shipping TrackID
Enter the Dimensions and Mass for the first Shipping TrackID.
Scan or enter the first Shipping TrackID and enter the Dimensions and Mass
Select Post
You will proceed with all Shipping TrackIDs for that specific Waybill similarly.
If you refresh the Shipping TrackID tab on the Waybill/BOL Maintenance screen, you will notice that the Shipping Status has changed from IN_PACKING to ASSOCIATED, and the dimensions and mass will be updated.
These Shipping track IDs can be loaded on the truck as soon as their dims and mass have been added.
Select Exit to close the screen.
Start Tuck loading.
The Shipping Truck Load HTML5 screen must be opened to start truck loading.
Locate the Shipping Truck Load icon on the scanner or locate it via the Launch HTML5 from the Ribbon Bar on the pc-screen.
Scan or enter the Vehicle as per the Waybill.
Add the Waybill/BOL number as per the Waybill/BOL Number on the Waybill/BOL Maintenance PC screen.
For a Fixed Load waybill, the pre-selected Shipping TrackID would load in the data grid, but because we’re loading a Flexible Load, the loading is up to the user.
Enter the first Shipping TrackID in the TrackID field.
A pop-up will appear, asking whether the first TrackID must be posted.
Viewing the Shipping TrackIDs
To view the progress of the Shipping TrackIDs, open the Waybill/BOL Maintenance screen. Ensure you have entered the correct Waybill/BOL number in the Waybill/BOL Number field.
The Waybill/BOL Maintenance screen has four tabs at the top. Select the Shipping Track IDs tab to view the progress of the TrackIDs.
All Shipping TrackIDs linked to the same Picking Slip will load, but only the one with Dims and Mass added and has been Truck Loaded will have a Shipping Status of LOADED.
The remaining Shipping TrackIDs are not linked to the Waybill and will only be linked once their Dims and Mass are captured and Truck loaded. They will have a Shipping Status of IN_PACKING.
Continue with the process of capturing Dims and Mass and then truck loading.
If the truck is full after loading the second Shipping TrackID, select OK on the Truck Loading Complete pop-up.
A second pop-up will appear asking whether a Trip sheet must be printed. Select OK.
The printer pop-up will appear. Ensure to select the correct printer.
The Trip Sheet will print.
Once the Trip Sheet has been printed, a Dispatch Note can be created for the two Shipping TrackIDs that have been loaded.
Select the Dispatch Note button.
A Confirmation pop-up will appear. Select Yes.
A second pop-up will appear, stating that the Waybill/BOL has successfully Dispatch.
If the data grid on the Waybill/BOL Maintenance / Shipping TrackID Tab is refreshed, the dispatched Shipping TrackIDs will be COMPLETE.
This waybill is now complete. The remaining Shipping TrackIDs must now be added and shipped on a new Waybill.
Create a second Waybill for partially truck-loaded Shipping TrackIDs.
Start by opening a new, blank Waybill/BOL Maintenance screen.
Select the New button again to create a new waybill.
Add the shipper, route, and vehicle, as well as the customer.
Also ensure to select the Flexible Load Type.
Select Save, and a new Waybill number will be created.
Again, open the HTML5 Shipping Dims and Mass screen to capture the Dims and Mass for the remaining Shipping TrackIDs.
Once added, you can continue to the Shipping Truck Load HTML5 screen to truckload the Shipping TrackIDs.
Refreshing the Waybill/BOL Maintenance screen will display all Shipping TrackIDs. The first two were on the previous waybill, and the remaining two were on a second waybill.
Unload a Shipping TrackID prior to Dispatching
Use the Shipping Truck Unload screen to unload a Shipping TrackID that was loaded before dispatching.
Locate the Shipping Truck Unload icon on the scanner.
You can also access the HTML5-based scanner screens from the PC.
To open the HTML 5 scanner screen from the PC, go to the Main Menu at the top of your screen and select Launch HTML5. This will open the HTML 5 sub-menu.
Click on the Launch HTML 5 icon.
Your HTML 5 scanner screen will load.
You will notice that all the modules are visible. Use the search icon to easily find a module or browse through the screens to locate it.
The Shipping Truck Unload screen will open.
Enter the Truck number in the Vehicle field.
Scan (or enter) the Waybill/BOL number.
Scan (or enter) the TrackID number that must be unloaded from the truck.
Select Post.
Open the Waybill/BOL Maintenance screen and refresh.
The unloaded Shipping TrackID Status will change back to PACKED.
The software will also not allow you to Dispatch this Waybill as there’s an unloaded Shipping TrackID. A pop-up will appear, stating it’s Unable to Dispatch.
The unloaded Shipping TrackID must be manually unlinked from the Waybill before Dispatching.
Unselect the Linked check box of the unloaded Shipping TrackID.
The Waybill can now be Dispatched.
The unloaded Shipping TrackID can now be added to a third Waybill if required, following the same process.