Add Receipt Quantity on an existing TrackID

Warehouse Setup / TrackID Maintenance / TrackID Creation Advanced - TrackID Creation Advanced [WHS044]

After a Credit Note was processed within SYSPROs RMA module, the returned stock must be placed back into DATASCOPE WMS, and SYSPRO and DATASCOPE WMS must be balanced.

The TrackID Creation Advanced module within DATASCOPE WMS will be used for this. The warehouse and bin location that you return the goods to via the SYSPRO RMA Credit note has been selected, and the stock in the RETURNS bin in SYSPRO was returned in the data grid.

There are various TrackIDs that can be created. Let us look at Add Receipt Quantity on an existing TrackID

Follow the process below if there are Receipt Quantities in the TrackID Creation Advanced data grid that you want to add to an already created TrackID

The data grid only displays SYSPRO stock and NOT DATASCOPE WMS stock. The already created TrackIDs refer to the TrackIDs that was created for the returned merchandise.

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Try it!

  • Select the check box, under the Select column, next to the lines where you want to add stock codes to existing TrackIDs.

  • Update the Receipt Quantity field if required.

  • Right-click on the lines and select Allocate To Existing TrackID

Select both lines and update Receipt Quantity
  • The Add Stock to Track ID screen will open.

Add Stock to TrackID screen.
  • Add that stock code on one of the existing TrackIDs (visible on the right-hand side of the TrackID Creation Advanced screen) by selecting a TrackID from the To TrackID field

  • You can also update the Qty from here, before adding it to a TrackID

  • The existing TrackID, visible on the right-hand side of the screen, will be updated with the additional stock code

  • This screen can also be sorted By TrackID or By Stock Code

  • The TrackID Creation Advanced screen also have a Select All and Deselect All that toggles the Select column.

Once all the stock codes in the SYSPRO RETURNS bin have been allocated to TrackIDs they can be printed - Printing the TrackIDs (for Returned stock)

More on TrackID Creation is available at - Labeling all Inventory in preparation for your Go Live