Dimensions and Mass (PC-based)
Shipping / Shipping TrackID Dimensions and Mass - Shipping TrackID Dimensions and Mass [SHP013]
Dimensions and mass are typically updated just before the pallets can be dispatched. This will happen while a pallet is physically being weighed and measured.
A user would enter this information per Shipping TrackID either on the PC screen or the HTML5 scanner.
Let us review how this is done on the PC screen.
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From the Main Menu, you can browse to Shipping / Shipping TrackID Dimensions and Mass
The Shipping TrackID Dimensions and Mass screen will open. .
Use the lookup icon next to the TrackID field to locate the first Shipping TrackID.
Similar to the HTML5 scanner-based screen you can enter the height, width, length and mass into the appropriate fields
Select Post
A pop-up will indicate that the information has been updated
If you refresh the Shipping TrackID tab on the Waybill/BOL Maintenance screen, you will notice that the Shipping Status has changed from IN_PACKING to PACKED and the dimensions and mass will be updated
Select the Refresh icon to update the screen.
The next step will be to truckload the finalized Shipping TrackIDs into the delivery vehicle when the shipping agent arrives - Shipping Truckload
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