Sales Order Release (Wave) - Advanced Parameter Settings

Order Release / Pick Slip Release / Sales Order Wave Release [PIK002]

The Sales Order Wave Release module allows warehouse controllers to review and release batches of orders into the warehouse in user-defined waves (groups). A typical wave may include all order lines due for shipment for a route, geographic area, or customer order type.

This user guide focuses on the Sales Order Wave Release module, specifically looking at some advanced parameter settings.

A detailed user guide on various grouping options is also available. Refer to Grouping in Different Methods.

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Try it!

You can start by opening the Sales Order Wave Release module. The first screen that will open is a parameter screen where various filter options can be selected. The FASTTRACK WMS User Guide—Sales Order Wave Release discusses various filter options. Here, we will discuss only the more advanced parameter settings.

  • From the Main Menu, browse Order Release / Pick Slip Release / Sales Order Wave Release.

Locate the Sales Order Wave Release module.
  • A parameter screen with various filter options will open.

Parameter screen with filter options.

More advanced parameters

Options and Show Back Order Customers are two more advanced filter options.

Let’s review the different options under Options.

  • Nett Qty > 0 – When this option is selected, it shows all records where the Sales Order Backorder Qty less the Qty currently in Picking is greater than zero OR the Sales Order Line Type is 7, a non-stock item.

  • Available Qty > 0 – When this option is selected, it shows all records of available stock or where Reserved QTYs from pickface and bulk bins exceed zero. It also includes all non-stocked items and sales order kits where either the parent or the components are designated as comments or where the component is a Stocked Item. The query also includes cases where the kit parent determines the sales order pricing or where the parent part is a comment. Finally, it contains records where the kit part is flagged as a parent part in the system. (This filter option uses the stored procedure called “proc_GetAvailableStockTotalNew)

  • Include SCT / IBT – When this option is selected, it shows all Sales Orders that are Supply Chain Transfers or Interbranch Transfers.

  • Maintain Safety Stock—This check is not used in the query that loads the data onto the main Sales Order Wave Release screen but is used when Auto-reserving the stock. It then checks the Safety Stock QTY in SYSPRO (found under the Warehouse Maintenance of each stock code) and makes sure that the auto reservation does not reserve more than what is available, including the Safety Stock QTY.

  • Only show where no active picks – When this option is selected, it shows all Sales Orders that do not have open pick slips against them.

Next, let us look at the different Show Back Order Customers options.

  • When these options are used, it filters the Sales Orders based on the value of a Custom Form Field (CFF) configured against each Customer in SYSPRO. The CFF is to identify whether the Customer is allowed backorders or not. The definition of a ‘non-backorder customer’ is one in which you only want one picking slip and one invoice to be generated per sales order.

  • The following filter options exist:

o   All Customers – This option does not filter any customers.

o   Customers allowed backorders – This option shows Sales Orders for customers with the System Setting PICKING_SALES_ALLOCATION / BACKORDER_CUSTOMER_CFF_NAME set to a value Y(es).

o   Customers not allowed backorders – This option shows Sales Orders for customers with the System Setting PICKING_SALES_ALLOCATION / BACKORDER_CUSTOMER_CFF_NAME set to a value N(o).