Support Toolbox
System Setup / System Admin / Support Tool Box [SET065]
The DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS Support Toolbox is a detailed and technical reporting module that analyses all the available log tables in the Warehouse database, including E.Net Business Objects posts to and from SYSPRO and DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS. It has an advanced search functionality to find exactly which XML In and Out you want.
This supporting tool has been designed to assign System Administrators in troubleshooting SYSPRO E.Net errors, review and analyse SYSPRO Business Object XMLs and DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS process logs. This great technical tool provides a deeper layer of analysis to Administrators to investigate errors received on the PC frontend and the mobile devices. It useful to also query the SYSPRO tables directly.
It is located on the Ribbon Bar under Support, or it can be access on the main menu under System Setup / System Admin / Support Toolbox.
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Log Tables tab.
Under the Log Tables tab, various tabs are visible. Let us review each tab individually.
ENET Error tab
The first tab ENET Error queries the tblLogENetError table in the database. This table contains any E.Net errors returned by SYSPRO to DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS. These errors are usually seen in either the PC or mobile HTML5 transactions. Typically, when error messages appear on a screen, the user just close the pop-up and don’t take note of the error.
System Administrators can use this tab to determine the exact route cause of the error.
Open the Support Toolbox from the Ribbon Bar, under Support.
Select the ENET Error tab on the screen.
Notice the query to the tblLogENetError table.
To locate an exact error that was presented to the user, use the From and To date filters.
The Containing field can also be used to narrow down the search. Enter a word or stock code number in the field and select Add Filter.
Select the Refresh icon again to reload the data grid.
Once the error message has been located, the root cause must be fixed first, before the user can continue to attempt to repost the transaction.
For example, if a stock code does not live in a certain warehouse, but the user attempts a Bin Transfer, the error ‘The combination stockcode A101 and Warehouse RM is not on file’ will appear. This message is returned from SYSPRO, indicating that the stock code A101 must be set up against Warehouse RM in SYSPRO before re-posting the transaction.
When entering the stock code into the Containing field, the query in the top will update. Select the Search button or the Refresh icon to reload the data grid.
To reset a query, select the Clear button.
ENET Timer
The second tab, is the ENET Timer tab. This query display the Datetime stamp that DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS sent an XML post to SYSPRO’s Business Object and the Datetime stamp when the Business Object responded. A duration is then calculated so any data transfer lag can be identified. Typically, there are specific times of the day when transaction volumes peak, and the transfer lag can be monitored using this report. Each XML post is given a sequential ID (ID column) and each SYSPRO Business Object (BOId column) has a unique 6-digit Program code, provided by SYSPRO.
The ENET XML tab shows the actual XML parameter, and the main and returned XML post that was used between SYSPRO and DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS. These can be copied by right-clicking in the required column and select Copy. The XML can be pasted into NotePad for easy reading.
These XMLs are used in SYSPRO’s E.Net Diagnostics tool for further troubleshooting or for sending it to the DATASCOPE Service Provider (DSP) or SYSPRO’s Support Ticketing system when logging system-related tickets.
This screen also has a Containing filter, which assist in filtering the result set to a more useable number of records to view and allow for easier analysis of a particular issue.
For example, to search all transactions for a specific Sales Order, enter the Sales Order number in the Containing filter field.
This tab is only populated from some DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS modules and contains only a little information. For example, in some instances users do not have E.Net access permissions, and this will be displayed in this data grid.
This tab is not used.
The Heartbeat tab works in conjunction with the DATASCOPE Heartbeat monitor tool that must be installed at the site. The tool monitors the latency of DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS, SQL, SYSPRO, mobile devices and E.Net transfer speeds.
The Process tab displays progress updates (from the tblLogProcess table) of certain picking and checkout processes in DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS. During transactions like shipping stock in SYSPRO, many steps are involved. These records help Administrators troubleshoot errors by tracking the process step by step. The TrackingID and StockCode columns make it easier to pinpoint specific issues.
Business Object
The last tab, the Business Objects tab, is a duplicate of the ENET XML tab, but with more specific filter options in the header. It allows you to filter by a particular Business Object and extract exact values from the Parameter XML, Main XML, or Returned XML separately, rather than searching through all three XMLs simultaneously.
Under the Diagnostics tab, there are four sub-tabs of which the first three are placeholders for future development.
Let us review the Transaction Deadlock tab.
Transaction Deadlock tab
This tab reports from the tlbLogTransactionDeadlock table and return instances when two or more processes (or transactions) in the SYSPRO or DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS databases are unable to proceed due to them waiting for the other to release a resource (i.e. a piece of data or a system lock).
Deadlocks are detrimental as they cause system performance degradation, increased user waiting times, potential data inconsistencies or system crashes. This result in user frustration, disrupted workflows and causes data integrity issues.
If required, contact your local DATASCOPE Solution Provider (DSP) for more technical information on the SYSPRO tables, E.Net Business Objects and the DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS logging tables, Heartbeat and Deadlock monitoring systems.