Fetch stock to replenish pickface bin

HTML5 / Pickface Replenishment [REP053]

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The warehouse staff will be required to open the HTML 5 scanner-based Pickface Replenishment module on the scanner.

HTML 5 Scanner-based Pickface Replenishment module

The warehouse staff will then do the following:

  • Select the supplying warehouse the user is currently working in, from the Warehouse drop-down list. This is to view the replenishments already created for that warehouse.

  • The user will then select the stock code that requires replenishment, by selecting the checkbox, (in front of the bin name) and the Next button on the screen.

List of stock codes to be replenished
  • This will take the user to the next TAB, which is Fetch

  • There are two ways of picking replenishment: