Check Out and Put Away (HTML5)

HTML / Check Out Put Away [CHK105]

When your pick slips have been completely picked and confirmed on the scanner, the picked stock is often physically moved to some dedicated checkout lane at the dispatching side of the warehouse.  These checkout lanes are often caged or lockable areas in which the responsibility of the pick slip hands over to the checkout staff.  It is in these checkout locations or lanes that a double-check of the stock codes, Qty, and lots that have been picked takes place.

The HTML5 Checkout Put Away process will be used for this purpose.

As every transaction in DATASCOPE WMS is timestamped, these timestamps can be used for employee performance via the built-in KPIs. It is therefore important to pinpoint a date and time when the pick slip was handed over to the checkout area because this ends the picker’s responsibility and starts the checkers.

Try it!

Viewing the pick slips that are ready to be handed over to the checkers

  • To view your pick slips, browse from the Main menu to the Pick Slip Review module under WMS Menu / Order Release / Pick Slip Management / Pick Slip Review

  • Once a pick slip has a status of PICKED, under the Header Status column, it is ready to be checked out and put away in its new location.

Review Pick Slip - Header Status

Posting the pick slip to its new location

  • To open the HTML 5 scanner screen from the PC, go to the Main Menu at the top of your screen and select Launch HTML5. This will open the HTML 5 sub-menu.

  • Click on the Launch HTML 5 icon.

  • Your HTML 5 scanner screen will load.

HTML 5 scanner screen
  • You will notice all the modules will be visible. Use the search icon to easily search for the Check Out Put Away button.

  • If you open the Check Out Put Away module the following window will open.

  • On your HTML 5 Check Out Put Away screen you can enter the pick slip number with the status of PICKED, visible in the the Review Pick Slip

  • TAB to the Check Out Location field and enter the new Bin Location number. For Put Away transactions you would typically use a Receiving Bin Type.

  • Select Post to put it away.

  • From the PC you can close the HTML 5 scanner screen and go back to the Review Pick Slip module.

  • If you refresh the screen, you will notice that the Bin Location column will be updated to the new Put Away location.

  • As all transactions in DATASCOPE WMS get time-stamped, we now have a record of the put-away action and can start timing the checked-out items by checking the pick slip accuracy.