Editing Scripts

Task Management / Trigger Setup / System Triggers [TIL005]

Tasks are generated using a VBScript. An event fires the trigger, and the trigger, in turn, calls a VBScript, which returns the information about the tasks.

The two standard tasks shipped with the module must only be linked with the required Task Script as explained in Setup and Configuration to start using the module. However, users can edit these Scripts as well.

Note: You must have copied it over from the Sample folder to the Trigger folder first.

For more information – refer to VBScripts .

If you don’t like reading, you can watch the video.

Try it!

To edit a task script that has been linked to a System Trigger.

  • Select the Edit VB Script link below the Scrip File drop-down.

Select the Edit VB Script link
  • The VB Script Editor screen will open. This is where you can customize the existing VBScript for the selected Task.

VBScript Editor
  • Select Save

As the Task Linked was enabled the Task Enabled column will be checked next to the applicable System Trigger.

Overview of the basic VBScript for the Task_POReceiptFinalize Trigger and how to make changes

  • It is a basic VB Script that does an Echo. It contains information that we supply and then gets used to generate the task. It’s a basic data mapping.

WScript.Echo "<Field TaskCode='PUTASTD' Area='A1' Zone='Z1' TrnSource='"&PurchaseOrder &"' />"
'End Function
    WScript.Echo "<Field TaskCode='PUTASTD' Area='PICK' Zone='PICK' AssignedTo='' Instruction='' Priority='' StandardTime='' UserField='' MHE='' TrnSource='" + WScript.Arguments.Item(1) + "' />"

  • The first section of the script refers to the TaskCode. If you created a new Custom Task, in the Task Master Listing screen, you could replace this code with the Custom Task code if you created a new Custom Task, visible in the first column in the Task Master Listing data grid.

  • The Warehouse can also be updated or left blank.

  • Same for the Area, Zone, AssignedTo

  • You can also update the Instruction, Priority, StandardTime, UserField, MHE, as well as TrnSource

  • All these parameters are also visible on the Task Review screen.

  • Once you have made your required customizations, you can select Save and Close