Serial Numbers Sales History Report
KPI Dashboard & Reporting / Standard Reports / Serial Number Sales History [RPT006]
This screen typically generates a Sales History report for all products with serial numbers sold within a given date range for a specific Product Class. Your Suppliers will use the report to validate which serials have been sold to which customer.
If a customer request a report indicating to whom a specific product with serial numbers was sold, you can use the Serial Number Invoiced Report
For more information, refer to Serial scanning
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Try it!
On the Main Menu, browse to KPI Dashboard & Reporting / Standard Reports / Serial Numbers Sales History
The Serial Numbers Sales History screen will open
Start by entering the From Date and To Date range
Select the Product Class from the drop-down.
Select the Output Format from the drop-down list. You have the option to either export it as a .txt or .xls file.
The Receiver’s address will be visible when generating the report in the Email Address field, as it was preconfigured. It can, however, be overridden with a different email address by clearing this field and adding a different email address. This will not override the pre-configured email address in the System Settings.
Select the Generate button.
A report will be generated and emailed to the recipient.