Pick Slip Status Update [PIK020]
This screen allows a System Administrator to correct failed transactions by forcing a Pick Slip into a different status where the picked products can be returned to shelves.
A failed transaction can occur when a Pick slip fail to invoice or it ends up in an incorrect status. This failure can be caused by various process issues of which incorrect settings configured during the going live of the system or a Sales Order that gets cancelled in SYSPRO during the checkout process. This will result in a failed transaction when selecting Post during the Checkout and Put Away HTML5 transactions.
The Pick Slip must then be forced into a status where the picked products can be returned to the shelves.
Generally all Pick Slip status updates will be managed by the software automatically, as a pick slip moves from one stage to the next.
Enter the Pick Slip number in the Pick Slip field or use the lookup icon to locate it.
The Pick Slip number can be located on the Pick Slip Review screen under the PickingSlipNumber. Do not use the SourceNumber.
Select TAB to load the Pick Slip detail.
Select the New Status drop-down and select a new Status. Any new Status can be selected, however, depending on the status the follow-on actions might differ.
The Pick slip can be changed from any status to another status, but there are some exceptions.
If the Picking Slip is in status CANCELLED you can’t change its status to something else.
If you are changing your picking slip to status CANCELLED – it checks if stock has been picked already and will stop you
If you are changing your picking slip to status CANCELLED – and it’s current status is COMPLETE, INVOICED or D/NOTE it won’t let you because the Pick Slip has been finished already
If your Pick Slip is in Status PICKED or CHECKED it won’t let you go back to PRINTED or ASSIGNED as stock has been picked already
Select the Update button to update the status of the Pick Slip
Review the Pick Slip Review screen to see whether the status has updated
The follow-on action will differ depending on the updated status and processes specific to the warehouse.
For example, if the status was set back to PICKED, an Operator would then be able to unpick the stock using the HTML5 Unpick screen.
Only System Administrators must be allowed to use this screen. Ensure the permissions is setup correctly.
A Pick slip can be changed from any status to another status, but there are some exceptions
Once stock has been removed from a Pick Slip and it is no longer required, it must be closed/cancelled using the https://datascopewms.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FH/pages/77037597 screen.
SYSPRO REQUIREMENTS & Business objects used
Release 24R2 (DevOps #7821) - The ability to add a reason code when cancelling a pick slip. Refer to the Cancellation Reasons PC-screen.