DATASCOPE Picking Slip Query
System Manager
The DATASCOPE WMS SYSPRO Panel, WMS Picking Slips can be added to the SYSPRO Customer Query and Sales Order Entry screens to provide information on existing Picking Slips within WMS for the specific Customer in question. This is useful for understanding the progress of existing orders for the Customer. The panel is linked using the Customer field on both the Customer Query and Sales Order Entry screens in SYSPRO.
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For more information on configuring the Picking Slip Query refers to SYSPRO Panels Installation & Configuration
This panel will show any Picking Slips for the specific Customer and Sales order. This panel will also allow for Picking Slips to be released using the Picking Slip Release panel. This final Panel requires a VB script to be added to the Sales Order Entry Header. If the VB script is place implemented, the Release Panel will be displayed on the End Order button on the Sales Order Entry screen.