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Original F1


The sales order advanced screen is used to release picking slips for sales orders but in large batches or waves. The typical stock reservation process applies as per the “Sales Order Release” function but in this case many sales orders are processed at the same time. The module is used extensively to release waves of orders into a large warehouse.&edsp;

Sales Order Wave Release

The Sales Order Wave Release module allows the warehouse controllers the ability to review and release batches of orders into the warehouse in user-defined waves (groups). A typical wave may be all order lines due for shipment for a route, geographic area, or order type of customer. These waves are created by entering various user-defined filters into the selection selected window at the start of the process. For instance one can select to only review sales order lanes that are over due and due for delivery in the next 3 days where the customers routes are within a selection and where the order type is equal to "A" (A being high priority orders). This release will then focus the warehouse on a range or orders that will all be delivered on the routes selected.&edsp;

Once the order book has been filtered to the lines that are required for picking, the controller can group orders into master shipping groupings (groups of orders for shipping to optimize freight costs). The order lines are then released as a wave into the warehouse for picking. Numerous waves can be released throughout the day. This works very well when linked with shipping route planning.

The process is fundamentally 3 steps, as follows

  1. Order selection&edsp;

Decide which orders are candidates for picking a 3-step process:

  • Order selection by setting the required filters on the Sales Order Allocation Parameter screen. These run-time filters assist with setting and scheduling the wave intervals on the warehouse floor

  • Picking stock can be based on the following filters (as a range or a single filter

  • Sales order&edsp;

  • Customer

  • Order Type

  • Order Priority

  • Geographic Area&edsp;&edsp;&edsp;

  • Sales Order Creation Date&edsp;&edsp;

  • Customer Branch&edsp;&edsp;&edsp;&edsp;

  • Route&edsp;&edsp;&edsp;

  • Ship Date&edsp;&edsp;&edsp;

  • Order Status (1, 2, 3)&edsp;&edsp;

  • Include/exclude SCT / IBT&edsp;

  • Only show where no active picks (sales orders are excluded if any lines are reserved on a picking slip)&edsp;&edsp;

  • Available Qty>0&edsp;

  • Net Qty>0&edsp;

  • BackOrder Customer only (custom form field setup)

  • Warehouse (the Warehouse against the Sales order line)

  • Maintain safety stock (allows safety stock levels to be accounted for at a stock code & warehouse level)

On running the entered selection the screen will pull all matching sales order lines and will present the data as shown below – this is a line level view for each sales order.

  1. Reservation of stock&edsp;

This can be done by either using the hyper link to select stock for each line, or using the auto-reserve button to reserve all lines on the screen. The auto-reserve button will apply the logic of which ever auto-reservation rule has been selected in the warehouse settings.

The following reservation rules exist: (these are detailed below)

Rule 1 – Pack Size from Bulk then remainder from Pick face
Rule -2 Smallest Absolute Variance (closes sized pallet in warehouse)
Rule 3 - Exact from Pick face
Rule 4 - Pick face (if configured) then Bulk&edsp;
Rule 5 – Bulk/Pick face Optimized (reserve from bulk is requirement above 40% of pick face max)
Rule 6 - Reserve from Pick face if less than minimum, then reserve from bulk
Rule 7 – for jobs only – full pack size from bulk warehouse, remainders from pick face.
Rule 8 - Voice picking/Carton Cubing
Rule 9 - MHE (Material Handling Equipment) pick slip split over MHE’s
Rule 10 - Not in Use
Rule 11 - FIFO Lot/Expiry Date (reserve first lot that will expire)
Rule 12 - Consolidated Sequencing (pick slip split over each warehouse area – picked by different pickers)

  1. Confirmation/release of the orders to create reservations (picking slips)

Orders can be grouped by master customer, and then Sales Order alternate key (used as an EDI reference) or customer. The grid summing allows the user to quickly evaluate which orders to release based on the fill rate % and the reserved value.

  • Orders can be released at a group level – right clicking and selecting Release Orders in Group. This will ensure that each order’s picking slip has the same Master shipment number.


  • If the grouping is undone, a single order can be selected the the right click option of “Release this order” can be used

  • Lastly, if the grouping is undone, the user can click the Confirm button and a picking slip per sales order will be released.

  • )

    • Customer Selection - reserve only one customer or a range of customers at the a time

    • Customer Branch Selection - reserve only one customer branches or a range of branches at the a time

    • Ship Via Selection - this is based on the Ship Via field in SYSPRO

    • Order Priority Selection - a custom form field can be configured in SYSPRO to release Urgent orders

    • Ship Date Range - release Sales Orders with a specific Ship Date

    • Route Selection - select Sales Orders for a particular route

    • Stock Code Filter - select Sales Orders for a specific stock code

  • Select OK. The data grid will populate with the selected data according to the filters set

  • Next, you have the option to Auto Reserve all the lines on the data grid


You can also deselect lines if you do not want to Auto Reserve them by deselecting the Auto Flag tick box. You might have to scroll to the right-hand side of the data grid to see the column

  • A pop-up maybe appear asking to clear all prior reservations. Click Yes to continue with Auto Reservation

  • Once again you will be able to open the Reserve Stock link to view the reserved stock. Again, you will have to work through the red lines and manually resolve the stock shortages

  • Select Confirm

  • A pick slip, like the single release screen, will print, but for all the Sales Orders that are in green

  • A pop-up will appear with the SYSPRO Sales Order number and pick slip number before it will print

Include Page
UG:Auto Reservation Rules
UG:Auto Reservation Rules


  • The software can be set to release the printing slip/s without printing or release the picking slip/s with automated printing turned on. If the picking slip is not printed here it can be printed from the Load Planning module.

  • All orders released are automatically linked to an MSN number (Master Shipment Number). Grouped orders going to the same customer and released in a batch from the Wave Release screen will have the same MSN. At checkout and dispatch these picking slips can be grouped together for shipment.

  • Lines with backorder quantity of 0 can be displayed based on a system setting (shown below)

  • Users can be prevented from entering the same order at the same time, or just warned (system setting)

  • The auto reservation process can work with the sales order quantities in back order or in the reserved qty field available from SYSPRO 6.1 up.

  • Credit checking can be applied when the order is opened, with the order being removed from the candidate list on the screen if it fails the credit check

  • Picking slip printing can be suppressed at the end of releasing the pick (used with rules 8, 9 and 12)

  • The sales order line can be loaded against a WH in SYSPRO and reserved from an alternate WH (see document on alternate Warehouse picking)

  • Setups where the orders are loaded in alt uom in SYSPRO, but picked in the stocking uom, can be handled here too

  • Users can allocate stock, and then end reservation without releasing a picking slip. This allows the user to “soft reserve” while waiting for a missing item to fill the order.

&edsp;- The software can be set to release the printing slip/s without printing or release the picking slip/s with automated printing turned on. If the picking slip is not printed here it can be printed from the Load Planning module.
&edsp;- All orders released are automatically linked to an MSN number (Master Shipment Number)
  • .

Grouped orders going to the same customer and released in a batch from the Wave Release screen will have the same MSN. At checkout and dispatch these picking slips can be grouped together for shipment.


Relevant Settings

&edsp;Please refer to the settings help window Settings Help Menu for related settings that affect this module.

SYSPRO Requirements REQUIREMENTS & Business objects used

  • N/a

DATASCOPE Table updates
&edsp;- On Release of the picking slip:
tblSalesOrders – Relevant Sales Order details from Syspro
tblPalletReservedAllocation – table to store reservation details before the picking slip is created
tblPalletReservedAllocationLock – table to store who has the sales order (or job) locked
tblBin/tblPallet/tblPalletItem – for queries on stock availability, reservation rules.

&edsp;- On Printing of the picking slip:
tblPickingSlip – Picking Slip Header Details
tblPickingSlipSource – Picking Source (Job or Sales Order), Customer Details
tblPickingSlipItem – Stock Items to pick for the picking slip
tblPalletReserved – Details of the reservations for the picking slip items


When using the Auto reservation function within the sales order releasing screens the software can be set to reference a predefined auto reservation rule or can be set to run a custom developed reservation. The custom rule allows a company to become very creative in what inventory should be reserved for an order and in what sequence. For instance a custom rule could validate the Sales Order Type field and based on this could run a completely different reservation process.&edsp;

The following list describes all of the standard reservation rules and their logic:

Rule 1 - Packs from Bulk then Pick face

This rule will first reserve full packs from bulk and then the balance from pick face.&edsp;
If we have a requirement of 550Kg a pack size in 250Kg and a bulk pallet of 750 and some stock in pick face. The system will reserve 500 (2 Packs) from bulk and 50 from pick face.

Rule 2 - Smallest Absolute Variance

This rule will reserve from Bulk only and will select the pallet with the closest quantity to the requirement. This rule will not break bulk pallets but may over or under allocate on a specific line.
If we have the following pallets available in bulk

For the following are some examples

Requirement&edsp;&edsp;Pallet Reserved
220&edsp;&edsp;&edsp;1002 (250) Over Reserved&edsp;
550&edsp;&edsp;&edsp;1003 (500) Under Reserved&edsp;
605&edsp;&edsp;&edsp;1005 (700) Over Reserved

Rule 3 - Exact from Pick face

This rule will simply reserve all the requirement from the pick face locations only. This rule will not over reserve it will only reserve if there is stock in the pick face, else nothing will be reserved.

Rule 4 - Pick face (if configured) then Bulk&edsp;

This rule will first try and reserve from pick face, provided one has been configured. If configured the system will also over reserve if this is allowed. If over reserving is not allowed or there is no pick face location set up, the system will reserve the stock from bulk in FIFO order. Prior to version 4.0.13 there had to be enough stock in pick face to fulfill the whole order. If not, the entire reservation was done from bulk. After 4.0.13 the system will reserve as much as possible from Pick face and then reserve the remaining quantity from bulk.

Rule 5 - Bulk/Pick face Optimized
This rule will perform the following in order and is designed to use up old stock first, then take from bulk without breaking pallet and finally from pick face but not depleting the pick face fully.
Reserve from any bulk pallet that will expire in the next 3 months
Reserve any full pallets where the quantity <= the requirement, this will be a loop that will continue until there are no pallet with a quantity <= requirement or the requirement is satisfied.
Reserve the remaining requirement from pickface provided the quantity required is within 40% of the minimum of the pickface, if not get from bulk.
The system will always exclude expired stock and if a stock items has an expiry of 0000-00-00 it will NEVER be reserved

Rule 6 - Reserve from Pickface, if cannot, then reserve from bulk

This rule will first reserve all quantities from pickface unless the requirement is more than the minimum pickface replenishment level for that stockcode.&edsp;&edsp;(No over-reservation in pickface will be allowed.)
If the requirement is more than the minimum level, no reservation from pickface and everything reserved from a bulk location within the same warehouse.
If there is no pickface setup for the product in the main warehouse, reserve from bulk within the main warehouse, provided there is sufficient stock in the bulk location.
If there is no pickface setup and there is insufficient stock in bulk in the main warehouse, the software will not reserve the line and manual reservation will be required.
Where the Auto-allocation rule does not automatically reserve stock, the user will be required to enter each unreserved line and manually reserve the stock by selecting which pallet and bin to use.
The Auto-allocation rule selects oldest pallets first by default.

Rule 7 - (used for WIP JOBS ONLY)

Each line will be divided by the SYSPRO pan size. Full pan sizes will be reserved in the supplying warehouse (as configured in the Pickface Management).
The balance will be reserved in the pickface warehouse.&edsp;
All job allocation lines will be auto allocated. As from version 4.0.15, if the SYSPRO pack size of an item is set to 999999.99, the line will not be autoreserved and will be highlighted in purple. The Operator will then need to manually reserve these; this is intended to cater for items where the packsize varies from time to time.

Rule 8 - Voice picking/Carton Cubing

This Rule is used when running in a voice Environment. It also performs warehouse splitting.
This rule can only be applied in an environment where the sales orders are loaded per warehouse (This will not work if a Sales Order has more than one warehouse).
This Rule affects the autoallocate process as well as the pickslip creation (confirmation) stage.


The system checks the packsize (SYSPRO Pan Size).
a) Multiples of packsize – will be allocated from Pickface Source warehouse. The Pickface will be allocated first and then the bulk
b) Less than the packsize – Allocated form the warehouse on the Sales Order warehouse. Reserving will take place in bulk bins first and then pickface bins (to clear any bulk bins first)&edsp;

At Confirmation is where the carton cubing logic comes into effect.
A pickslip will be created for each sales order number and the system will add to the pickslip header.

  1. Packsizes:

a. Create a new carton for every packsize
b. Write the new carton number to each reservation line in the reservation table

  1. Less than Packsize:

a. Sort lines by wearer and then by SKU
b. Open a Large Carton
c. Allocated SKU to that carton
d. Allocate next SKU to carton
e. When the carton is full, open a new carton and load the SKUs
f. Once all SKUs have been loaded for the wearer, reduce the size of the last carton to the smallest size carton or bag that can still fit all of the wearer’s SKUs.

  1. Multi Wearer Cartons:

a. In the case where a wearer’s SKUs can fit into a bag, the software wull not allocate a bag, but will sideline the requirement until the whole order has been processed. All bag allocations will then be grouped and reallocated into large cartons. These cartons will contain bags for multiple wearers.&edsp;
b. This will affect the process at the induction station. 1 carton label will be produced, but instead of just one PackingSlip, a packing slip for each wearer is produced. Each packing slip will be attached to the bag inside the carton for that wearer.

Rule 9 - MHE&edsp;

This Auto Allocation Rule caters for picking with different Material Handling Equipment (MHE) within the warehouse. At a high level, the following 3 steps are involved in the reservation of stock:

  1. Reserve from single SKU Tracking IDs.

  2. Reserve from Multi SKU Tracking IDs

  3. Remainder from Single SKU Tracking IDs with current reservations

Rule 10 - Not in Use

This Rule Number is reserved and not in current use

Rule 11 - FIFO Lot/Expiry Date

  1. Identify all Tracking IDs for the Sales Order Lines Stockcode and Warehouse.

  2. Sort the Tracking IDs by the Lot Expiry date

  3. Reserve from these Tracking IDs in DATE order (results from sort – “oldest” first).


Rule 12 - Consolidated Sequencing

Rule 12 facilitates that a Picking Slip can be split, so that it can be picked by different operators in different locations within the main warehouse at the same time. This is done using the Area definition against the bin locations to split the picking.&edsp;
Before the Picking Operators pick, they specify the Area in which they are working, on their scanner. When assigning a pick, a Picking Area Instruction Document is created. This is used to identify the details of the picking slip for the specific area that the operator is working in.
This is called consolidated sequencing the operator in each area can take several smaller work tasks, spanning multiple orders and pick them simultaneously in their area.

Look at the quantity to be reserved on the sales order line and check the following:

  1. If the quantity is less than or equal the percentage defined in RULE_12_PERCENT, PICKING_SALES_ALLOCATION of the Maximum Level of the pick face bin of the stock code, create a full reservation against that pick face Bin. (This might create an over-reservation in pick face but this is allowed provided there is enough stock in the entire warehouse.). Note if (2) below has already been performed thus this is not the first iteration, the system should ignore the 40% logic and reserve what it can.

  1. If the quantity is greater than the percentage defined in RULE_12_PERCENT, PICKING_SALES_ALLOCATION of the Maximum Level of the pick face bin of the stock code, Reserve from the pallet with the closest quantity available to the remaining requirement. I.e. try satisfy the order from one bulk location if possible.&edsp;&edsp;(If there are equal available quantities, take the oldest pallet based on SYSPRO’s Lot expiry date (if available), otherwise reserve in Pallet Number order.) NOTE the rule must search for pallets with quantity available greater or equal to the required quantity first and then if there is no pallet look for pallets with a quantity less than the required but still closest to the required quantity.&edsp;&edsp;&edsp;This is done to cater for the following scenario, qty required = 5, pallet A’s qty available = 7, pallet B’s qty available = 4. The variance between pallet B and the required qty is the smallest but it will be better to reserve from pallet A which can satisfy the entire line.

Once the first pallet has been reserved in point (1), re-calculate the requirement and then re-run point (1) and (2) on the revised amount until the entire requirement is satisfied.&edsp;&edsp;Where there is not enough stock in the entire warehouse, reserve what can be reserved.

New F1

Code Block