You typically process a Credit Note within SYSPRO using their RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) Module. The RMA module provides companies with an easy, efficient means of tracking returned merchandise. However, once the stock is returned, inventory must be placed back within DATASCOPE WMS, and SYSPRO and DATASCOPE WMS must be balanced.
Let us review how to process a RMA for an existing invoice within SYSRPO
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<link to YouTube video> 001_Premium_CUSTOMER_CREDIT_PROCESS_Return_Management_UG - v0.1.pdf |
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To process an RMA for a current invoice within SYSPRO and generate credit notes for the returned lines, you must open SYSPRO.
Under the Program List, browse to Sales Orders / Return Merchandise / Transaction Processing / RMA Issues and Receipts
The Return Merchandise Issue screen will open.
Search or type in the customer number in the Customer field
Add a line for the existing invoice by selecting Add Line.
The Return Merchandise Line Details screen will open.
Type in or search for your invoice from the Invoice field
Search for the stock code that was returned and that requires a Credit Note from the Stock Code field. (In our video example, we selected all the stock codes)
Select Save on the SO Line for the Credit Note screen.
Select Save on the Return Merchandise Line Detail screen to save that stock code to the first line of the Invoice.
Notice the second Line number will appear, and you can continue to add more stock codes if required.
Close the Return Merchandise Line Details screen.
The stock codes (Line numbers) you’ve added will be visible at the bottom of the Return Merchandise Issue screen.
Next, you must do a receipt of all of them.
Right-click on the first stock code and select the Receipt line.
The Return Merchandise Receipt screen will open.
Add the Qty received and select the Credit action from the Action drop-down.
Select Save. The Receipt Line Detail screen will close, and the Credit Note Detail screen will be visible.
On the Credit Note Detail screen, select the Restock action from the Inventory actions drop-down.
Select Save again. The Credit note for that stock code will now be created.
Next, you must select the Bin location where the stock must be returned.
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Note: When you select the Bin into which to credit the goods, ensure to choose the RETURNS Bin in the correct warehouse for all credited items (in the video, we use warehouse FG) |
The Quantity field must always be updated with the returned Qty stock visible in the Quantity to allocate field. As this amount is credited, it must be captured as a negative amount.
Select End Allocation
A pop-up will appear requesting to accept the entries.
Continue receipting all the Line items on the Return Merchandise Lines screen.
Once completed, you can end the RMA by selecting the End RMA button at the top of the Return Merchandise Issue screen.
The End RMA Receipt screen for that specific RMA will open. Select End RMA
Notice that each RMA will also have its own RMA Number, visible at the top of the Return Merchandise Line screen.
Once the RMA is ended, a Credit note will be created
To maintain the Credit Note, click on the Maintain credit note link.
To change the Warehouse for the Credit note, you must select the Change Warehouse on Ct Note button on the Sales Order Maintenance screen menu.
Select End Order and print the Credit Note
A Credit Note was successfully created within the RETURNS bin in the allocated Warehouse.
The following process will generate new TrackID labels for the returned merchandise. This will be done in DATASCOPE WMS.
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