This module converts any stock code on a TrackID from one stock code to another. This is typically required when a company has two stock codes for the same product. In SYSPRO, a user can create two stock codes for the same product, but for two different customers, each customer will have their stock code, but the product is the same. These products can, therefore, only be differentiated by the label on the carton.
This module can expense issue out the one stock code and automatically negative issue back in the replacement stock code.
This module is also available on HTML5. For more information, refer to Convert Stock code [??]
Enter or select the TrackID.
Select the stock code from the Stock Code drop-down. If there is only one stock code on the TrackID it will automatically load)
If applicable, you can select the Lot number from the Lot drop-down.
Select the Serial number, if applicable, from the Serial drop-down.
The Bin and TrackID Qty will automatically load
Select the new stock code from the New Stock drop-down. This is the stock code that the current stock code will be converted to.
Info |
The New Stock stock code will only be available if the stock code is setup as an alternative stock code in SYSPRO |
Select the new Lot number, if applicable, from the New Lot drop-down
Enter the Quantity that must be converted. This can be different from the TrackID Qty displayed in the TrackID Qty field.
A New Quantity will automatically load.
A TrackID Reference can be added.
Select Post to process the transaction.
A new TrackID with the Alternative Stock code will print out.
Page Tree Search | ||
Lot traceable items can be converted to a new alternative stock code, but using the same Lot number.
The module can be setup to allow any replacement stock code OR can force the user to select an alternative stock code. Alternative stock codes must be setup in SYSPRO’s Alternative Stock Code reference table.
To force the user to only use Alternative stock codes (as set up in SYSPRO’s Alternative Stock Code reference table) as the replacement stock code, the following System Setting must be updated. From the Ribbon bar, select Settings / System Settings and locate <??> in the System Name drop-down. Update the <??> value to <??>
SYSPRO REQUIREMENTS & Business objects used
The DATASCOPE WMS Convert Stock Code function is used to convert any stock code on a TrackId from one stock code to another. This is used when a company has two stock codes for the same product. For instance some SYSPRO users have setup two stock codes for teh same product for two different customers. The only thing different about them is the label on the carton. In this case this scanner or PC screen can be used to expense issue out the one stock code and automatically negative issue back in the replacement stock code.
Enter/scan tracking ID
Select stock code (it will automatically load if there is only 1 stock code)
Select Lot number if appropriate
Bin and total track ID qty will load
Select Stock code that the current stock code will be converted to (only available if the stock code is setup as an alternate stock code in SYSPRO)
Enter quantity to be converted
Select UOM
UOM will determine the new qty
Enter a trackid reference
Click post to process the transaction
A new tracking ID with the alternate stock will print
Lot traceable items can be converted with the new stock code using the same lot number
The module can be setup to allow any replacement stock code or can force the user to select an alternate code that has been setup in SYSPRO alternate Stock Code Cross reference table.
Relevant Settings - Alternate stock code table. This will force the user to only allow a replacement with a stock code that have been setup in SYSPRO's alternate stock code table.
SYSPRO Requirements & Business objects used
Inventory Primary posting
DATASCOPE Table updates