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Pickface Import Application

If you select the shortcut icon on the desktop, the Pickface Import Application screen will open.

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Downloading and Installing the Pickface Import Application

Ensure you have the correct licensing in place


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Let us review the Pickface Import Application:

Company Details

The first section refers to the Company details and requires the Operator to log in.

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  • Start by entering the Company ID, i.e. EDU1. This refers to the SYSPRO/WMS Company ID. It must be configured as a WMS Company using System Manager.

  • Enter the Company Password. Refers to the SYSPRO Company Password that applies to the company specified.

  • Enter the Operator name and Operator Password. This is the DATASCOPE WMS username, which has access to the DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS E.Net Business Objects.


Note: These E.Net Business Objects are required as this is a standalone application and does not form part of the DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS system. Refer to Licensing.

  • Enter the Warehouse where the Label printer is set up. This is where the pickface labels will be printing if required.


Note: To configure the Label printer against a specific Warehouse, the following Printer Setting must be updated. From the Ribbon Bar, browse to Printer Settings / PICKFACE system setting. Select the correct warehouse and ensure the printer points to a physical printer. For more information, refer to Configure Printers.Select Apply to save the changes.

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Note: If more than one printer has been setup for a specific Warehouse, then the Pickface Import Application will select the first printer in the list for the Warehouse and System Action.

  • Select Login


Note: A valid GUID must be returned to log in.

  • If the user trying to log in does not have the correct licensing to access DATASCOPE’s E.Net Business Objects an error message will pop-up. Refer to User Licensing.

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Once logged in, a GUID will be obtained, and the sections for Validation and Imports will be enabled.

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Note: When you log into the Pickface Import Application, your current DATASCOPE WMS session (for both the PC and HTML5 screen) will automatically be logged out.

Excel Sheet

Next, the Import template can be downloaded, filled in, and uploaded again to import the pick face data.

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  • Select the Download Template button to download the Excel Template.

  • A location must be selected where the PickfaceImport_Template.xlsx must be saved.

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  • Select Save


Note: If Microsoft Office is not installed on the DATASCOPE WMS Server, then you can copy the file over to a local PC where Microsoft Office is installed.

  • Capture or import the required information into the PickfaceImport_Template.xlsx

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Note: The data that must be captured into the spreadsheet has a few limitations.

To capture the data into the PickfaceImport_Template.xlsx:

o   The Bins must already be created within DATASCOPE WMS

o   Enter the Stock code within the specific pickface bin. Note this must be valid SYSPRO stock code.

o   Add the Source Warehouse. This is the Warehouse from which the stock will be replenished. This Warehouse must exist in SYSPRO as well.

o   Enter the Min, Max, and Reorder values.

§  The Min and Max quantities are the minimum and maximum QTYs of the stock code in the pickface bin.

§  The Reorder QTY is the QTY at which a replenishment is triggered for the stock code in that pickface bin.

§  The ReplenQTY is a batch QTY the system should apply to the replenishment request when it is created.

o   The Rule refers to the various Replenishment Options within DATASCOPE WMS. There are five different rules, identified by a number from 1 to 5.

o   To view these Rules, browse to Warehouse Setup / Pickface Maintenance / Maintain Pickfaces on the Main Menu in DATASCOPE WMS. Insert an existing Pickface Bin and view the five rules under the Replenishment Options drop-down.

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o   Each of these rules make use of different logic to generate replenishment demands for the stock codes in the applicable pickface bin location.  For more information, refer to Pickface Bin set up.

§  1 – Replenish Qty

§  2 – Fill to Max (incl. Demand)

§  3 – By Requirement to Reorder

§  4 – By Requirement to Minimum

§  5 – Fill to Max (excl. Demand)


Note: The Pickface Import Application only accepts imports of pickface bin locations already configured into the bin field. For more information, refer to Create Single Bin or Create Multiple Bin.

  • Continue to manually populate the Pickface Import template with the required data.


Note: Remember to delete the first two sample rows in the template as this is demo data and should not be imported.

  • Save the template after manually populating all the fields.

  • To import already created pickface bin locations into the PickfaceImport_Template.xlsx.


o   From the Main Menu, browse to Warehouse Setup / Bin Maintenance / Maintain Bin Data

o   Use the filter on the left-hand side of the screen.

o   Select Bin Type. Filter a List to only display Pickface bins.

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o   Select the Refresh icon to load the data grid.

o   Use the Column Chooser to view only the columns you need to see.

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o   Select the Export to Excel button.

o   Import or copy the Bins and Warehouses in the exported file into the PickfaceImport_Template.xlsx.

  • To import the updated PickfaceImport_Template.xlsx file into the Pickface Import Application:

o   Select the Browse button next to the Excel file path.

  • The Records Found field will update automatically with the total number of records loaded within the Excel template.


Note: If no Records are found, there is an issue with the spreadsheet or the data.


Note: If your machine does not have Microsoft Excel application installed, then on clicking Browse button and selecting the excel file template, you may get the error message - The 'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine.

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  • To overcome this error, install the 64-bit Microsoft Access Database Engine application using the AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe.

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  • Once the Access Database Application is installed, the Pickface Import app will be able to read the excel file successfully.

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Master Data Validation

Once the template has been loaded, the data can be validated before importing.

The results of the validation(s) can be exported to an Excel spreadsheet to investigate before doing the actual import.

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  • Various validation options exist.

o   Duplicate Pickface Bins – this validation checks if there are Bins in DATASCOPE WMS that already have a pickface configured. This validation will typically be ticked (ON) to check whether multiple SKUs are set up within a single Bin. A user will only untick this if the warehouse allow multiple SKUs set up in a single pick face Bin.

o   Bin Types are PICKFACE in WMS – this validation check will confirm that the bins specified within the Excel spreadsheet are all Pickface bins within DATASCOPE WMS. This prevents invalid configuration. This validation will typically be ticked (ON). If the Pickface bins listed in the template are not Pickface bins within DATASCOPE WMS, the Replenishment system will not cater for them in its calculations. We strongly recommend leaving this validation check ON.

o   Stock Codes Exist in SYSPRO – this validation confirms that all stock codes / SKUs in the Excel spreadsheet is valid stock codes that exist in the SYSPRO InvMaster table. This validation will typically be ticked (ON).

o   Bins Exist in WMS – this validation confirms that all bins in the Excel spreadsheet exist in the DATASCOPE WMS tblBin table. This validation will typically be ticked (ON).

  • Once you have checked your validation options, select the Validate button.

  • The Records found under the Excel Sheet heading will display the number of records.

  • A pop-up will appear stating the validation was successful.

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  • If any errors are located, they will have to resolved first or the Import Template must be updated to proceed.

  • Next, you can select Import to start importing the data.


If validation is successful, you can continue to Import the data. Various Import Options are available, and you can select to import only the data print labels or both.

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  • The Import Option allows you to import the Excel spreadsheet in three different ways:

o   As a whole – this option will import the entire spreadsheet.

o   Batches – Inthis option, you can indicate the Batch size, i.e., 50.  This is typically useful for large volume sites with thousands of pickface bin locations. It will prevent the software from potentially crashing due to huge data volumes or messing up the label prints if you have the Print Label check box selected.

o   Range - In this option, you enter the Start Row (must always start at 0) and the End Row (i.e. 49). If you do a second import, you can use the same spreadsheet and update the start and end row to the next range, i.e., 500 – 699). We suggest that the length of the range should always be less than 50 records to avoid causing the printer to freeze or error out.

  • Select the Import Data checkbox if you only want to import the data. This check box processes the import into the DATASCOPE WMS database tables.

  • Select the Print Label checkbox to print labels for the imported data.

  • You can select both Import Data and Print Label or just one. You also have the option to do all the imports first and then print the labels only after the imports are completed.

  • Select the Import button to start the import.

  • Once the import is completed, a pop-up will appear stating the data import was successful.

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  • The Progress Bar will indicate the number of records that has been imported.

Progress Bar

The Progress Bars will indicate the import progress or printing progress.

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For more information on how to correctly evaluate and optimize a warehouse’s pick face bin sizes and layouts, please talk to your local DATASCOPE Service Provider (DSP) or review the appropriate Sample scripts.