Warehouse Setup / Pickface Maintenance / Pickface Management Report [WHS021]
This report helps to manage some basic Pick face Pickface data relationships between the Pick face Pickface Setup Master Data and the TrackIDs and Stock Codes in the bins. Within DATASCOPE WMS, the construct of a Pick face Pickface always includes at least one TrackID, and in most cases, this TrackID is a direct match to the Bin number. In other words, the Bin number and the Tracking ID assigned to this Bin are equal. For example, if the pickface bin location is PFACE001, then we would expect a TrackID inside the bin that is also named PFACE001.
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Nonehttps://vimeo.com/995312468?share=copy 001_Premium_PICKFACE_MANAGEMENT_REPORT_product_user_guide_UG - v0.12.pdf |
Try it!
Follow the steps below to run a report for a selected warehouse.
From the Main Menu, browse to Warehouse Setup / Pickface Maintenance / Pickface Management Report
The Pickface Management Report screen will open.
Select a Report run time filter option from the drop-down next to the Filter Options field.
The report has three run time options for running on a selected warehouseand a warehouse drop-down to select which warehouse you want to analyse. These are:
Bin and TrackID Match
This is a list of all pickface bin setups (including stock items linked to the bin) where the Tracking ID inside the bin is a direct match. All pickfaces should be found in this list.
The Pickface Bin value will match the Pickface TrackID inside the bin.
Other data that will display in the data grid is:
Material Cost/Labour Cost – this is the cost from SYSPRO for the stock code.
TrackID QTY – this is the DATASCOPE WMS QTY
Replen Rule – this is the Replenishment Rule selected for the specific pickface bin.
The number of columns visible in the data grid can be changed by selecting the Column Chooser icon. Select only the columns you want to see in the data grid.
Pickfaces Not Setup
This is a listing of all stock codes linked to this warehouse in SYSPRO that doesn’t have a pickface set up in the selected warehouse in DATASCOPE WMS. Sometimes, a company does not create a pickface for every product. Still, in most cases, a picking warehouse would have a pickface for all stock codes linked to this warehouse in the SYSPRO Inventory Warehouse table. This report is useful for finding new stock codes that have entered the warehouse but do not have a pickface set up. For more information on how to fix this, refer to Create Bins and Maintain Pickfaces.
The Pickface Bin column will be empty, indicating that a pickface bin has not been configured for these stock codes in the selected Warehouse.
Bin and Track ID Mismatch
This report shows any pickface bin where the TrackID inside is incorrect or does not match the Pickface bin location. Any items listed in this report are exceptions and must be rectified immediately. The report will also identify where a Stock code on the Pickface TrackID does not match the Pickface Stock Code set up inside the Maintain Pickfaces module.
For more information on rectifying an incorrect stock code on a Bin and TrackID mismatch, refer to the HTML5 TrackID Consolidation screen to move the incorrect stock code to a different TrackIDBin Transfer module.
Generally, a pickface pick face bin should have its matching (same name) pickface pick face TrackID in it. To rectify this and move the TrackID to a new bin, refer to HTML5 Bin Transfers. Example: In the below screens, TrackID 2050 is in Bin PF0001, which also contains the incorrect stock code on it. PF0001 is set up for stock code A100.
From the Pickface Management Report screen, select the Bin and TrackID Mismatch report.
Select the Warehouse from the Warehouse drop-down that must be investigated.
Select the Exclude Inactive TrackID Lines, as generally, you will not need to investigate old Inactive TrackIDs
Select the Refresh icon to load or reload the selected report in the data grid.