Warehouse Movements / Convert Stock Code [MOV003]
The stock code conversion process in DATSCOPE WMS can be done on either the PC or HTML scanner. The process is the same on both screens, except there is space for a TrackID reference on the PC screen.
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Try it!
From the Main Menu, browse to Warehouse Movements / Warehouse Movement / Convert Stock Code.
The Convert Stock Code screen will open.
Note: The TrackID Reference field at the bottom of the screen is the only difference between the PC client and the HTML Scanner screen.
Enter the TrackID of the Stock code you want to convert into the TrackID field.
Enter or select the Stock code. It might be a multiple stock code pallet.
The Bin and the TrackID Qty will display on the screen automatically.
Enter or select the New Stock code. This will refer to all the Alternate Stock Code created in SYSPRO.
Note: It is possible to have more than one Alternate Stock Code.
Enter the Quantity that must be converted. For example: Stock Code A100 was only 1 Case of 24 bottles of water, therefore you will enter 1 in this field.
The New Quantity will automatically update according to the Conversion Factor and the Conversion Method used when the Alternate Stock Code was created. This field is not editable; therefore, great care must be taken when setting up the Alternate Stock Codes within SYSPRO.
The PC client has a separate field for a TrackID Reference that can be updated.
Select Post
The Printer pop-up will appear.
Note: A printer pop-up will ask where you want to print the new TrackID labels. To print to a physical printer, you must ensure the System Settings are configured correctly. When printing to a physical printer, you must update the Printer Settings. The ALTERNATE_STOCK_PC setting under Settings / Printers on the Ribbon Bar must point to the physical printer. For more information, refer to Configure Printers.
Select Apply to print the new TrackID containing the converted Stock items.