Users can pre-receipt stock for a Purchase Order, LCT (Land Cost Tracking) or GIT (Goods In Transit) in advance by scanning the stock and creating TrackIDs. Blank TrackIDs can be generated for a Purchase Order, LCT, or GIT from this screen and stock can be allocated to them.
The user can do a Pre-Receipt for a specific Receipt Type. Select the applicable Pre Receipt Type from the drop-down menu.
Purchase Order
Landed Cost Tracking
Goods in Transit
To pre-receipt a Purchase Order:
Next, you can select the number of TrackID labels that must be printed. Update the No. Labels field and select Yes. This will create blank TrackIDs to place stock on.
If TrackID labels must be printed, select the applicable printer. Select Apply
The Purchase Order must first be created in SYSPRO.
You can start by entering or scanning the PO Number in the PO Number field.
Scan or enter the Stock Code into the Stock Code field.
The Description and Line Number will auto-populate.
Enter the quantity in the Quantity field.
Scan or enter the TrackID into the TrackID field.
The TrackID must be in a status PRINTED.
To review and allocate the stock for a Purchase Order, please take a look at the Review Purchase Order PreReceipt on the PC-screen.
To pre-receipt an LCT:
To review and allocate the stock for a GIT, refer to the Review GIT PreReceipt on the PC-screen.
To pre-receipt an GIT:
To review and allocate the stock for a GIT, refer to the Review GIT PreReceipt on the PC-screen.
SYSPRO REQUIREMENTS & Business objects used