TrackIDs can also be used to identify stationary pick face bins. When pickface bins are created, and a label is printed, a TrackID is also created in the background that has the same number as the pickface bin. This TrackID acts as a resident TrackID in which the pick face stock resides. These are known as Pickface TrackIDs types and will never go to an INACTIVE status, even if the stock in the Pickface bin is reduced to zero.
Figure 9 - <trackid template>
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<link to YouTube video>
<link to PDF doc on my OneDrive>
Try it!
From the Main Menu, browse to KPI Dashboard & Reporting / Information Check
Search for a Pickface Bin by selecting the lookup icon next to the Bin field.
Select the Refresh icon.
The data grid will load with the TrackID detail.
Notice that the type of the TrackID will be visible in the TrackID Type column.
The Bin Number and the TrackID number are the same.