Shipment Type Maintenance [SHP003]

Shipment Type refers to the method which an order will be shipped to the customer. Various Shipment Types exist, for example, LTL (Less than Truckload), FTL (Full Truckload), etc.

Here you typically specify the types of Shipments your company dispatches.

Note: Shipment Types are used extensively in the Transport Management System (TMS). However, the Shipping module requires a minimum of one Shipment Typing to work.

  • Click in the field to the right of the star, under ShipType, and add a Shipment Type, for example, LTL (Less-than-truckload Shipment)

  • Click in the Description field and add a description.

  • Select Apply to save your new Shipment Type


  • None


  • None

SYSPRO REQUIREMENTS & Business objects used

  • None