TrackID Status Update [WHS043]
This screen allows a System Administrator to adjust a TrackID status.
Typical reasons for updating a TrackID status are:
When transaction failure occurs in the core software and requires a status to be updated.
When stock needs to be quarantined for a quality problem after passing the Quality Department checks, the TrackID can then be updated from ACTIVE to ONHOLD, pending on the outcome of the quality inspection.
If a TrackID was set to INACTIVE incorrectly and you want to use the TrackID number again. The status can be changed to ACTIVE and continue to be used.
The following TrackID statuses exist for a Normal TrackID Type:
There are four different TrackID Types within DATASCOPE WMS. Normal TrackID Type, Picking TrackID Type, Pickface TrackID Type, Shipping TrackID Type. The last three should never have a requirement to update the status, but it can be done on this screen.
ACTIVE - most TrackIDs is in Active status. This indicates that the TrackID has active inventory lines in stock and is represented in SYSPRO.
CREATED - these TrackIDs are still being built up in the software, for example, if you are building up a brand new pallet in Job Receipt or LCT Receipt they will have a status of Created.
INACTIVE - most TrackIDs become Inactive once all inventory has been moved off to another TrackID or during the shipping and invoicing process. This is, however, not true for Pickface TrackID types, as they never become Inactive.
ONHOLD - TrackIDs for new receipt products will have an ONHOLD status if the product is set for inspection required in SYSPRO. Picking TrackIDs can move into a status of ONHOLD after shipping the stock in SYSPRO but before Inactivating the TrackID at invoicing. Picking TrackID status should only be changed in extreme cases as the software manages the statuses of Picking TrackIDs automatically.
PRINTED - When using PO Pre Receipt the software allows the user to pre-print TrackIDs and then scan stock onto these TrackIDs before posting the PO Pre Receipt to generate the GRN. In this state the TrackID cannot be ACTIVE, as DATASCOPE WMS would expect to find the stock in SYSPRO and if it cannot, these TrackIDs would be on the Balance Report. PRINTED TrackIDs will not show on the Balance Report.
PRINTING - the TrackID is being printed.
Changing a TrackID status should be done with CAUTION as it changes the behavior of the software when working with TrackIDs.
Enter the TrackID or use the lookup icon to locate the TrackID
The Current Status of the TrackID will be visible in the Current Status field.
Select one of the available Statuses from the New Status drop-down.
Provide a Reason for the change in the Reason field.
Select the Update button.
The TrackID change will be visible in the data grid below the update fields.
All updates are recorded and can be seen in the TrackID History Report
Take caution when changing a Picking TrackID status as the software manages these statuses automatically.
There are four different TrackID Types within DATASCOPE WMS. Normal TrackID Type, Picking TrackID Type, Pickface TrackID Type, Shipping TrackID Type.
TrackID Types can also be updated if required.
Updating TrackID statuses can impact the Balance Report
The data grid below the update fields will display the current status of the TrackID; if the status change the data grid will update.
Only give System Administrators access to this screen.
Release notes 24.2 (Ticket #8286) - This screen will change slightly. A grid will be added underneath the Status update fields to display the TrackID details.
SYSPRO REQUIREMENTS & Business objects used