Pick Slip Quick Review (Work in Progress) [PIK013]

This screen gives the user a quick overview of all active pick slips in a warehouse with their current status. Typically, the advanced Pick Slip Review screen will be used to track the progress of all pick slips. However, this screen has a large amount of data pulled from many tables in DATASCOPE WMS and SYSPRO and can therefore be slow when reviewing the data.

  • The screen has far fewer filters than the advanced Pick Slip Review screen.

  • Select the applicable filters.

    • In the top-left corner, you will find the Type of sales order. The screen will always default to the Dispatch option, but you can change this depending on the filter you want to use.

    • Select the From End Date and To End Date

    • You can also select pick slips per Warehouse or All Warehouses.

  • Select the Refresh icon to load the data grid.

Users cannot right-click on a pick slip line to view reservations, history or detail of a pick slip. The advanced Pick Slip Review screen must be used to drill down and view more detail.



  • None

SYSPRO REQUIREMENTS & Business objects used

  • None



(linked - Pick Slip Quick Review (Order Release) [PIK013] )