Reprint Packing Detail [CVK091]
This screen is typically used with the Mass Checkout screen and allows the user to reprint the Packing list.
Enter the Pick Slip number in the Pick Slip Number field or use the lookup icon to locate the Pick Slip.
Select the tick box of the label you want to print. Packing List vs Box Labels.
You have the option to print both as well.
Two RPT templates can be printed.
If the user selected to print the Packing List, then the RPT template must be configured under System Setting / DISPATCH. Locate the Setting Name PACKING_LIST_REPORT and ensure the Packing List RPT template is configured (DATASCOPE_MSN_PACKINGLIST_LETTER.rpt)
If the user select to print Box Labels then the RPT template must be configured under System Settings / DISPATCH. Locate the Setting Name PICKING_BOX_LABEL and ensure the Box Label RPT template is configured (DATASCOPE_CARTON_4X6.rpt)
A Warehouse Setting determine whether you are allowed to do a reprint or not. Browse on the Ribbon Bar to Settings / Warehouse Setting and select the applicable Warehouse. Locate the DISPATCH System Name and update the REPRINT_PICKINGLIST_AUTHORIZATION SettingName to Y(es) if printing is allowed. By default this is blank.
SYSPRO REQUIREMENTS & Business objects used