Reprint Packing Detail [CVK091]

This screen is typically used with the Mass Checkout screen and allows the user to reprint the Packing list.

  • Enter the Pick Slip number in the Pick Slip Number field or use the lookup icon to locate the Pick Slip.

  • Select the tick box of the label you want to print. Packing List vs Box Labels.

  • You have the option to print both as well.


  • None


  • Two RPT templates can be printed.

    • If the user selected to print the Packing List, then the RPT template must be configured under System Setting / DISPATCH. Locate the Setting Name PACKING_LIST_REPORT and ensure the Packing List RPT template is configured (DATASCOPE_MSN_PACKINGLIST_LETTER.rpt)

    • If the user select to print Box Labels then the RPT template must be configured under System Settings / DISPATCH. Locate the Setting Name PICKING_BOX_LABEL and ensure the Box Label RPT template is configured (DATASCOPE_CARTON_4X6.rpt)

  • A Warehouse Setting determine whether you are allowed to do a reprint or not. Browse on the Ribbon Bar to Settings / Warehouse Setting and select the applicable Warehouse. Locate the DISPATCH System Name and update the REPRINT_PICKINGLIST_AUTHORIZATION SettingName to Y(es) if printing is allowed. By default this is blank.

SYSPRO REQUIREMENTS & Business objects used

  • None

