Quality Test Setup [QUC002]
Before the Quality Control module can be used to conduct tests, the user must create all Quality Tests. On this screen, you can start adding new quality tests or modify existing tests that have already been created.
Test Categories is a dependency before you can start creating Quality Tests.
To create a new Test:
o  Select the Add New Test option under Function.
o  Enter a Test ID
o  Enter a Test Description in the Test Desc field.
o  The Test ID will be generated automatically.
o  Select an appropriate Test Category from the look-up icon
o  Select the appropriate Test Type. The following two Test types exist:
§ Conformance – this refers to Pass/Fail or a True/False test (typically, a Boolean result, which can only have one of two possible values: true or false.)
§ Tolerance – this test type has a lower and upper tolerance range within which the test needs to register to pass.
o  Select the required action if a Test fails. The following two On Fail types exist:
§ Log and Fail – this option will mark the specific test as failed and fail the overall test.
§ Log – this option will record that the current test has failed but will not fail the overall test.
o  Attachments can be added to the test, for example instructions on how to conduct a test.
§ Add a Description for the attached file.
§ Select the Browse button to locate the attachment.
§ Select the Add button to add the file as part of the test.
Note: The document can be in any format (i.e. PDF, MS Word, MS Excel) and multiple documents can be added.
o  Select Save to save the new Test.
o  The next step, after creating a test, is to add Stock Codes to the tests.
To edit an Existing Test:
o  Select the Edit Existing Test option under Function.
o  Use the lookup icon to locate the applicable Test ID.
o  Update the required fields to Edit the Test.
o  Select Save to save the changes.
To Delete an Existing Test:
o  Select the Edit Existing Test option under Function.
o  Use the lookup icon to locate the applicable Test ID.
o  Select the Delete button at the bottom of the screen.
Test Categories are mainly used for information purposes and allow a user to differentiate between different Test Categories. Test Categories must be configured before Quality Tests are setup. Refer to the Test Category Maintenance screen.
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