FASTTRACK WMS (Docker installation) to DATASCOPE PREMIUM (Server) migration

System Manager

This guide explains migrating from a Docker installation (used to install FASTTRACK WMS) to a DATASCOPE PREMIUM installation using System Manager.

The current FASTTRACK WMS infrastructure is based on a Docker Image to ensure a simple and streamlined software installation, eliminating the need for a lengthy installation and configuration process on a server environment.

FASTTRACK WMS has several rules built into it to define a site as a FASTTRACK WMS site; for example, the maximum number of named users can only be 50, and limited modules are allowed, but as soon as a site requires more functionality or needs to add more users, they must be migrated to a DATASCOPE PREMIUM site.

Note: This process can also provide a good base for installing a new DATASCOPE PREMIUM site from scratch, as the Docker installation process gets a site up and running quickly and has all the standard reports and settings already configured. Once installed through the Docker installation process, this process can be followed to migrate to DATASCOPE PREMIUM before going live.

Note: It is, however, essential to note that it is NOT recommended to run a DATASCOPE PREMIUM site on the Docker infrastructure, and therefore, it must be migrated using this process before going live.

To summarize, this process can be used for two possible scenarios:

  • FASTTRACK WMS (Docker installation) to DATASCOPE PREMIUM (Server) migration

  • DATASCOPE PREMIUM (Docker installation) to DATASCOPE PREMIUM (Server) migration for go-live.

Try it!


Before initiating the steps outlined in this solution, it is imperative to ensure that the site is fully operational and functional within a Docker Container environment, with all necessary configurations and setups completed. The system must run seamlessly before proceeding with this process, as it is a vital dependency for the migration.

For more information, refer to the FASTTRACK WMS Docker Installation Guide.


There are a few things to note for the conversion process that may impact a FASTTRACK WMS to DATASCOPE PREMIUM migration OR a DATASCOPE PREMIUM (Docker) to DATASCOPE PREMIUM (Server) migration for go-live. In both these cases, considerable time is required for preparing the new WMS Server. This can be a physical or virtual server and, depending on what is available, running Windows Server 2019 (or later version).

For more information, refer to the Installation Prerequisites User Guide.

For a FASTTRACK WMS migration, there will need to be scheduled preparation time and downtime. The preparation time is required to install and prepare the new WMS Server, which will be installed on a Physical or Virtual Server. The downtime will be necessary to switch from the original Docker Container to the new WMS Server.

For a DATASCOPE PREMIUM migration, time will need to be set aside both in the project plan to set up the new server and time in the go-live process to migrate, like the two points mentioned for the FASTTRACK WMS migration.

Finally, depending on the network setup, the PC Client application may need reinstalling to communicate with the new WMS Server – this applies to both migration scenarios.

For more information, refer to the FASTTRACK PC Client Installation process or follow the System Manager and Installing DATASCOPE PREMIUM User Guide.

Migration Summary

The migration process follows very closely on a Clean Install of DATASCOPE PREMIUM with some key exceptions that need to be noted. These exceptions are as follows:

  • There is no DB Creation

The existing FASTTRACK WMS Docker DBs will be used. This will keep all the current data and settings from the migrated installation.

  • Upgrade Version

When installing the server, it is critical to use the EXACT SAME version of WMS as it is running on the Docker Container.

  • This is dependent on the environment. If the system being migrated is not live (therefore, doing a DATASCOPE PREMIUM (Docker installation) to DATASCOPE PREMIUM (Server) migration for go-live), then an upgrade to a new version can be performed as well.

  • Defaults and Printer

Typically, the Clean Install process will create some base data for the installation – with the migration, this is unnecessary and can be ignored. That is why we close the application down on the last step of the System Manager Clean Install.

  • Persistent Data

The final step is to move the remaining persistent data from the Docker Container to the new install. This simple file copy consists of VBScripts, Triggers, Plugins, and Report Templates.

For more information on a Clean Install, refer to the System Manager and Installation User Guide.

Follow the Migration Steps.