Install the Docker Engine (1 of 4)
The following steps describe how to install the Docker Engine
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During this process, the installer will validate whether the Windows Container Feature and Docker Engine have been installed
If required, these components will automatically be installed.
This Engine is required to run the FASTTRACK WMS Docker container.
Select Validate & Install
If requested to do a reboot, select OK and close the FASTTRACK WMS installer
Reboot the Server
Double-click on the FASTTRACK WMS Installer icon again
Select Get Started (to get to the next screen)
Select Validate & Install again
The installer will carry on with the installation. At this stage it is installing the Docker Engine. This is a key requirement on top of the operating system before we can install the Container.
A second restart prompt will appear, asking you to restart the machine a second time.
Select OK
Next step - Download the FASTTRACK WMS Docker Image (2 of 4)