The Pick to TrackID process still picks to a TrackID, but the TrackID has a different format. Here, the format will be Pickslip+WH+Box. (the Box will refer to a Box number)
Critical for this picking strategy is deactivating a warehouse setting. On the Ribbon Bar, browse to Settings / Warehouse Settings. Select the applicable Warehouse (typically, it would be the warehouse you are signed into) and locate the DISPATCH setting name. Here, you can update the PICKING_ALLOW_PICK_TO_PICKINGSLIP settings to N(o).
The setting change is required as the user will now pack the box as they pick the pick slip. The advantage is that the picker can decide how to pack the box, and the warehouse does not require a packing station. The process does allow for a box check or final mass check, or, alternatively, it can be moved to a Shipping TrackID - for more information, please take a look at the shipping module.
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Labeling configuration required to be setup prior to picking
When following this picking strategy there are two labeling variations the Operator can choose from.
Print the Picking TrackID before picking
Print the Picking TrackID during picking
For more information on the setting configurations, refer to Labeling required for Pick to TrackID
Review the data
Assigning the pick to an Operator
Assigning the pick to an Operator can only be done on the scanner.
When assigning from the Sales Pick to TrackID mobile screen you must enter or scan the Pick Slip number, for example: 1144+FG.