Order Release / Pick Slip Release / Sales Order Wave Release [PIK002]
The Master Shipment Number (MSN) feature within DATASCOPE PREMIUM WMS groups pick slips in different ways to pick, checkout, and invoice them as a group. However, MSNs are numbered sequentially in a different range than the pick slip numbering sequence.
The following process can be followed when working with MSNs:
MSN Release
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Grouping Sales Orders
Releasing Sales Order as an MSN group is done from the Sales Order Wave Release screen. Let us group Sales Orders for different SYSPRO customer codes and release them as an MSN Group.
From the Main Menu, browse to Order Release / Pick Slip Release / Sales Order Wave Release.
The parameter screen with various filter options will open.
The run-time filters on the Sales Order Allocation Parameter screen can assist with setting and scheduling the wave intervals on the warehouse floor.
Select the applicable filter. For more information, refer to Sales Order Wave Release.
Select the Refresh icon to load the data grid.
Using the grouping feature of the data grid, drag any of the column headings to the Drag a column header here to group by that column section, which will group the data by that column. For more information, refer to Grouping in Different Methods.
You have two options to reserve the stock.
o Auto Reserve all the lines before grouping by selecting the Auto Reserve button.
o Group the data by the desired column, right-click on each grouped line, and select Auto Reserve Group.
Note: There is an option to clear any previous auto reservations for the selected group. Right-click on the line and select Clear Reservations in Group.
If any Sales Orders are 100% reserved, a pop-up will appear asking if you want to release the pick slips.
Select No on the pop-up as we will do an MSN release.
Regroup the data again by dragging the desired column header to the Drag a column header here to group by that column section.
Notice that the Reserve percentage and the ReservedValue Sum will not be visible for the group of auto-reserved Sales Orders.
To release this reserved group, right-click on the line.
Two options are available:
o Release Orders in Group (MSN Grouped)
o Release Orders in Group (MSN Per Order)
Select the first option, Release Orders in Group (MSN Grouped), to release the pick slips using MSN grouped.